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The countdown to the last day of school before summer holiday is THREE AND A HALF DAYS!! I'm so excited, I have a lot planned...
That also means LOTS OF CHAPTERS and I'm mentally planning the plot so my writing will hopefully be faster...
Shoutout to Alejandra for being mad at me for "making her fall in love with a triangle." Let me just say; your welcome.

It was back to being extremely hot outside, hence it being summertime in Gravity Falls, so you were spending the day in the amazing-ness of the air conditioned Mystery Shack.

"It is soooo hoooot," Mabel groaned. She was laying on the wooden floor on her back, watching the ceiling fan spin. You giggled and laid down next to her. You watched the fan with her and it was surprisingly relaxing. "So any plans for today Mabel?" You asked. "Yeah! Grenda and I are gonna go looking for some cute boys to date at the park, wanna come?" She looked at you with giant pleading eyes. "Sorry," you laughed, "I work today."

"I'm sure Grunkle Stan would let you take the day off!" She jumped up and then helped you up. The two of you ran into the living room where Stan was watching Duck-Tective. "Eh? What do you want Mabel?" He grunted, eyes still on the screen. Mabel smiled widely and took a deep breath before blurting, "y/n wants to come with me and Grenda to the park but she has to work so can you give her the day off please?!"

"Huh?" Stan scratched his chin and shrugged. "Why do I care?" You silently cheered with Mabel, who quickly thanked him and ran out of the room with you. Soos offered you a ride in the golf cart. You noticed it was a new one, since...you wrecked the other one. You winced as you recalled the event but climbed in and let Soos drive you to the park. You didn't even notice Bill's shadow following you.

When you reached the park Grenda was already there. "Hey girl," Mabel smiled and high-fived. She also high-fived you, which made you laugh. But then you noticed Mabel staring at something behind you, open-mouthed. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Bill, smirking at you with a hand on his hip. "I see you got the day off," he noted and you nodded slowly. Was he angry that you were taking your day off to spend with Mabel? "Man, he's hot," Grenda yelled which made you blush. Bill smirked even wider and slung an arm over your shoulder, tugging you towards him. "Mind if I steal her for the day?" He asked, then when Mabel agreed he lowered his mouth to your ear and whispered, "guess your mine for the day." That definitely made your blushing even worse and you shoved Bill off of you, embarrassed in front of your friends. Bill laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you away and into the trees with Mabel screaming "I SHIP IT!"

"Where are we going?" You asked and he led you to a small clearing. "You like picnics," he said and there was immediately a picnic set up on the grassy hill. You almost asked how he knew but then remembered he could kind of read your mind. Ugh.

"This is amazing, Bill, thank you!" You gushed and he escorted you over to the blanket where the both of you sat down and began talking and eating. He is really sweet, you thought, biting into your fav/food, I just can't convince myself otherwise, I really do love him. You smiled at him shyly, blushing, because he was staring right into your eyes, meaning he knew everything you were thinking. He saw your face and chuckled. "Love you too, kid," he said with laughter in his tone, looking away. You spent the rest of the day having a good time with Bill, walking through the park, sightseeing a little. At one point you passed a field with kids playing football. You weren't looking but the ball hit you upside the head on accident. A boy not much younger than yourself ran up flustered. "I am so sorry!" He exclaimed but you laughed, rubbing your head a bit. "It's fine, really," you replied, "here, Bill, give him his football back." Bill snatched the ball off the ground, hands igniting in red flame, his face getting that red glow. He got up in the boy's face, shoving the ball into his chest, "don't you dare hurt y/n." The boy looked legitimately scared and you grabbed Bill's shoulders to pull him away. "Whoa, Bill, calm down, it's okay," you shouted and he calmed down just enough to let the boy run away. You were kind of flattered, but concerned. "Don't forget what you promised me," you pointed out when the two of you continued walking. He sighed roughly but nodded. "You're right," he said softly, looking ashamed. "You think we should head home?" You asked and he nodded. You began walking in that direction and realized he wasn't following you. You whirled around and he was standing there, staring at the ground. "Bill, what's wrong?"

"I'm...sorry," he said simply and you raced back over to him and gave him a hug, which surprised him. He stood there awkwardly as you hugged him but slowly wrapped his arms around you and smiled. "Let's go," you smiled back, letting go, and entwined your hand with his. You truly believed he was trying to get better and was going to try to keep his promise. He kissed your cheek and you felt your face get hot, but didn't say anything as you two made your way home.


"Why are you summoning me? I'm a busy guy," Bill said, rolling his eyes. A black hooded guy stood before him. He took a step forward, knocking the hood off of his head. "Shut up, Cipher. Have you gotten it yet?"

"Jeez, kid, relax," Bill said, holding up both hands in mock surrender. "I'll get it done, don't worry."

"Good," the boy growled, "don't forget we still have our deal. Our plan." Bill sighed and began to fade away, "I won't."

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