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OMG THE NEW EPISODE!! I promise I won't spoil anything, just OMGOMGOMGOMGBIIIILLLLL!!
Also, the picture for this chapter tho! *swoons* I love modern-hipster style Bill!
So please enjoy this SUPER LONG CHAPTER to CELEBRATE the return of our beloved Bill Cipher!

The weather was perfect. It was warm with just the slightest cool breeze drifting through the air.

You stood outside your door, holding your bags and tapping your foot, waiting for Bill. He had taken forever getting ready this morning. Usually you weren't this impatient, but you really wanted to spend as much time as possible hanging out downtown today.

"Ready!" Bill's voice called. You turned around to face him and nearly fell over. Bill wasn't wearing his usual suit and bowtie, that's for sure. He had on black skinny jeans, a dark orange t-shirt with a black jacket over it, a thin yellow scarf, and a beanie. His hair was swept more to the side than usual. "Thanks, I do look hot, don't I?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow.

Dammit, I forgot he can read my mind, you sighed. You took his hand and the two of you walked in the direction of the train station.

You had to admit, the two of you looked super cute together. You were wearing a black skirt and tank top with a yellow cardigan over it. Also tights and black combat boots, since it was autumn and you had to stay warm. But your outfits matched eachother's in a cute, not-tacky way.

"We're here," he noted and you both went in line for a ticket. "Hey," he said after a while, giving your hand a squeeze, "I love you."

"Love you too," you smiled, squeezing his hand back. You waited only a few minutes before it was your turn to get a ticket. Then it was time to board the train. You and Bill took seats next to eachother and in front of a little table. "I got lunch," Bill winked and conjoured up a sandwich for you, your favourite kind of course. "Thank you," you said, feeling yourself blush a bit. After you finished eating, you rested your head on his shoulder. Closing your eyes, you relaxed, listening to just the sound of the train on tracks and the beating of Bill's heart.

"How long have you two been together?" A voice asked. You looked up to see a woman smiling down at you. From the looks of it, she worked on the train, much like a server on an airplane. "We just got married," you replied happily, "but we've known eachother quite a while."

"Anything you two need?" The woman asked.

"No, I can create anything out of thin air," Bill shrugged. There was a short silence before the lady chuckled. "What are you laughing at?" Bill retorted, getting defensive, "my powers are beyond your comprehension, feeble human!"

You quickly apologized and watched the woman quickly run off to the dining car. You sighed and ruffled Bill's hair. "You need to stop acting like that in front of...feeble humans," you giggled. He took your wrist and pulled you closer so your noses touched. Your cheeks got warm as you felt his hot breath against your face. "You need to stop telling me what to do," he smirked, "I like being in control."

You released your wrist and, still blushing like crazy, attempted to hide your face by burying it into his soft shirt and jacket. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you until the end of the train ride.

The both of you got your bags and then went off to find the hotel you had planned to stay at. In no time it was located and soon the two of you were checking in. It was pretty fancy, there was chandeliers on the ceiling and marble floors. "Room 208," the man behind the counter said, handing you the keys. You and Bill trudged upstairs and dumped all the bags in the room, which was just as fancy as the lobby was. "This place is really fancy," you said and Bill laughed. "Of course! Only the best for our honeymoon, eh?"

Since it had gotten warmer outside during the train ride, Bill changed out of his jacket and scarf and into a white top with turquoise sweater vest. As soon as he was done you both went outside and began to explore downtown.

A few things...here is a SNEAK PEEK of some stuff coming up in future chapters of this story:
-- Stanford Pines
-- Death...maybe? ;) mwahaha
So look forward to that! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, etc.! You guys are the best!
Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

Deal (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now