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First of all thank you so much for all your super nice comments! Honestly I don't deserve such amazing readers such as yourselves but I am so thankful for you :)
(Please go read @odessa_the_lemoncorn's Gravity Falls fanfic, it's really good!!)
Secondly, a lot of you said you were like 10-12 years old. I was planning an extremely intense dirty smut chapter but I'm just not comfortable doing that now.
(Not that I don't trust you guys but I don't want to be the one who writes the kind of story that people your age who don't like smut won't enjoy.)
So it will be a little less....you know. Sorry....just use your imagination *winks*
Enjoy this chapter!

You were shoved onto your bed by Bill, who had been walking lopsidedly and still getting used to not having powers ever since he announced he didn't have them anymore. "Are you sure you're okay?" You asked and he smirked. "Of course," he said and you noticed yet again his voice sounded more stable then before, less...echo-like. You figured it was normal now that he was technically human. Even so, you were still slightly worried something was wrong.

"Why were you acting weird to Dipper back at the Mystery Shack?" You asked just as Bill kissed you. You didn't get an answer for a while until he said softly, voice almost a growl, "I don't like Pine Tree."

"Why not? He hasn't done anything," you argued and he kissed you again, lost in the moment. You couldn't do this until you cleared everything up so you pulled away and ran a hand through his hair. "Bill," you told him sternly, "Dipper said he doesn't mind us together. Now tell me what is wrong."

"Mmmnnothing," Bill mumbled and stroked your h/l h/c hair, pecking your lips a few more times.

"Bill," you warned and he sighed, sitting up straighter and pulling you into his lap. He kissed your neck and you sighed, half expecting never to get an answer. Though after a brief silence he grumbled, "I'm jealous. I don't like him liking you." You giggled and turned around, facing him now. "Don't worry about it, he said he ships us," you smiled, "plus I love you." Bill pushed you down onto the duvet so you were laying down and leaned over so his nose and forehead was touching yours, hands on your arms, holding them down. "I still want him to stick jalapeño peppers in his eyes," he whispered and you smiled, almost laughing. It was so oddly specific. He turned his head and licked the side of your face, from your chin to your forehead. It was strange, but then again Bill was a strange guy. Not that you were complaining. With that you ruffled his hair which made him immediately go slack, his hair being his sensitive spot. "Damn," Bill breathed and licked your bottom lip and you opened yoir mouth, kissing him again.

You completely forgot about him embarrassing you earlier and definetely felt better as the night slowly went on.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I have counted all your votes and the x reader fanfic I will be writing next is actually TWO!! I honestly couldn't decide so I'm writing both lol :)
So the winners are:
DEATH THE KID X READER (intense fluff with some lemon)
THRANDUIL X READER (here's your crazy insane smut-filled lemon fanfic with still some fluff too)
Even if you have no idea who either of these are if you read them I 99.9% guarantee I can make you fall in love with them!
Thanks to everyone who voted and PLEASE do not worry! If the story you wanted me to write didn't win I will DEFINETELY be writing ALL OF THEM sometime or another so please follow me for updates on that.
Here's a question...which one should I write FIRST? Thranduil or Kid? I could write both at the same time but that would mean less chapters and a longer wait....
Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter! I decided to make this story longer so please enjoy and I'll see you next time! (Lots of feels and cliffhangers in the upcoming chapters!!!!)
~Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!~

Deal (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now