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Hi! Thanks for waiting for this chapter, I've been sooo busy!! I'm glad you all liked last chapter, thanks for the comments :)
Also I have a question...do you guys ever want this fanfic to actually stop? I'm getting pretty close to what I planned out in my mind as the end, but after it does finish should I update with one-shots every once in a while? Idk, tell me what you think. Any ideas and/or suggestions are welcome and highly appreciated.

"How are you feeling?" You were sitting by Bill's hospital bed, holding his hand. He had just come back from surgery and was dizzy and kind of "out of it" because of the laughing gas. At least he had gotten some sleep. Bill had insisted he didn't need sleep since he was a dream demon but you knew that since he was in human form, not to mention still severly injured, he needed rest.

"Fine, stop worrying," Bill replied, squeezing your hand for a second before smirking at you, "I can't wait until I get out of here. I'm gonna take you on a real date." That made you blush a bit and you kissed his cheek. "When do you think they'll let you go home'?" You ask.

"I'm not sure," Bill coughed, jolted upright in bed, and started having a coughing fit. You were shocked and started patting his back, trying to help him. You saw blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. "I'm getting a nurse," you exclaimed and ran out into the hall. Luckily a nurse had heard the coughing and quickly came in to check on Bill. Though unluckily she sent you away for a while. You had nothing better to do, it was a Saturday so no work, so you sat in the waiting room scrolling through Tumblr on your phone.

"Y/n?" A voice said. You locked your phone and glanced up to see the doctor standing in the doorway. "May I speak to you privately, please?"

"Sure," you nodded and followed him to his office. "What's wrong? Is Bill okay?" You asked as you took a seat across from him. He doctor sighed and said, "I'm sorry y/n. He's getting worse, there's not much we can do. There might be some miracle where he can heal naturally, but the knives hit arteries and other important body parts and we're not completely sure if he'll recover."

Your hopeful smile dropped. He had looked fine when you came to visit him! Maybe he was...trying to look strong for you? You felt tears forming in the corner of your eyes and wiped them away. "So what'll happen?"

"Mr. Cipher can either stay in the hospital for another two weeks and try to heal, or he can go home and spend his, well what we think are his last days, with family and friends. Or we can switch off life support and he can put an end to all this. We let him decide. I'm sorry," the doctor replied. You were full-on crying now. Standing up, you thanked him and walked slowly to Bill's room. The world seemed to be spinning. You opened the door and saw Bill laying there, eye, wide open as always. He was adjusting his eyepatch when you came over to sit next to him. "I'm back," you said quietly. Bill noticed right away your tone and frowned. "They told you?"

You nodded and finally broke out into sobs, hugging Bill's almost lifeless body. He rubbed your back and held you in his arms, which would usually comfort you, but you were beyond being comforted. "Sorry," you sniffed, "I just don't want you gone. I can't live without you."

"Y/n," Bill said, voice surprisingly sten and he looked dead serious, "there's another way. I promised not to leave you. I can channel all my powers to focus on my physical state and completely heal myself. But I won't be able to keep my powers. Also, I'll have to choose between being in triangle form and human form and whichever I choose, I remain like that forever."

"You'll loose all your powers," you gasped and he nodded. "So to stay with me," you continued, trying to process it all, "you have to give up everything, all your countless powers?"

Bill nodded once more and you began sobbing again. "I could never ask you to do that," you whispered and felt like the world was crashing down on you. Then you felt Bill's hand run through tour h/c hair. He pulled you closer and kissed you, tasting your salty tears. After a minute you broke away and kissed his forehead. "I have to go, I can hear the nurse outside," you stated just as the click of high heels sounded throughout the hallway. "I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" And with that, you left.

The walk to the Mystery Shack was miserable. You were crying and just knew people were staring at you weirdly. Not that you cared. All you could think about was how Bill could never choose between his powers and you and how you were probably never going to see him again. Which made you cry even more.

Don't worry, things will get happier! Thanks for reading and see you soon!
Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

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