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Not really in the mood to write tonight so if this chapter sucks I apologize...enjoy :)
(Oh and also thanks again for commenting and voting! I'm trying to update as much as possible.)

At the Mystery Shack, you, Mabel, Wendy, Tamry, Bill, and Dipper were piling into Soos's car. As soon as you saw Dipper coming along, you insisted he stayed home. "You look horrible," you excalimed, "Mabel I thought you told him to stay home!"

"No, I'm fine," Dipper said with a smile, "really, y/n. Don't worry about me." He winked and climbed into the car on the other side of you. To the right of you was Bill, glaring intensely at Dipper. Winking is my thing, Bill growled to Dipper through the dreamscape. Dipper shrugged, guess it's mine now, he said, just like y/n. You really think y/n likes you after what you did? Look at her, she's ignoring you!

You felt like someone was staring at you so you turned to look Bill straight in the face. He smirked and winked at you. You felt a blush rise to your cheeks and quickly turned away, gripping your knees with your fingers. Don't look at him, don't look at him...

See? Bill stuck his toungue out at Dipper, who rolled his eyes. Bill chuckled. Little did Pine Tree know but Bill could see inside y/n's mind. He could see inside everyone's mind.

"Ready to go dudes?" Soos asked and Mabel screamed, "YEAH!" The car started and began driving in the direction of the shore. Things were pretty much silent between the three of you in the third row seats. Up in the second row Mabel was singing along to the radio and Wendy was texting with Tamry on their smartphones. Soos had on this really annoying rap song about some guy living in a mansion...it was strangely catchy but you hated it all the same. Almost immediately as it started Wendy covered her ears. "Dude, Soos! Turn that song off!" Soos glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "Sorry Wendy," he muttered and switched the channel.

When you arrived at the boardwalk you all got out. Dipper was obviously struggling to make the step down from the car, his leg wrapped in bandages, so you took his hand and helped him out. "Thanks y/n," he smiled and you walked together to the front gate. You felt a presence behind you. You had almost forgot that Bill was there. He was tagging along behind you and Dipper, looking really lonely. You turned around and snappes your fingers, getting his attention, then pointed to the place next to you. His face immediately lit up with a smile and he hurried to walk alongside you. Soos had your tickets pre-bought so he turned them in and you were free to do whatever you wanted. "Meet up by the pier in half an hour," Soos said casually and pointed towards the food stands, "I'll be over there if you need me!" He hurried away and Wendy tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey y/n, Tamry and I were going to check out the arcade-thing they have over there. Wanna come?"

"Sure," you smiled and Mabel grabbed Dipper into a hug. "My bro and I are gonna go ride some rides!" She yelled and you winced. Poor Dipper, he was already stomach-upset and injured as it was. "Okay," you nodded and joined Wendy and Tamry, who had started to walk away. You suddenly stopped in your tracks and motioned for them to stop too. "Bill," you said sternly, "where are you going to be? You can't come with me."

"Then I'll stay here and wait for you," he said simply and sat down, legs crossed, on the rough wooden planks of the boardwalk. You tried to hold back a laugh as you walked away and quickly glanced over your shoulder. It was pretty funny to see a grown man sitting on his butt in the middle of a crowd, looking like a kid in time-out. He actually looked pretty cute. You quickly shook the thought from your mind. He had tried to kill your best friend! That was almost unforgivable. Almost. Watching Wendy play a game-thing thing in the arcade you kept trying to convince yourself Bill was evil, just as Dipper had warned you of, just as everyone was saying. But you couldn't. You had to admit it...you still had major feelings for him. Through everything. There was something different about him that set him apart from everyone else. Yes, that he's an all-knowing dream demon, but besides that. His laugh, his smile, his voice, his unmatchable personality. The way you two kissed what seemed like forever ago. "Y/n," Wendy's voice put you out of your daze, "are you okay, man?" You nodded and smiled, but really you weren't okay.

After hanging out with Tamry and Wendy a while more, the three of you caught up with Dipper and Mabel. "Ferris wheel, yes! Let's go," Mabel announced and as soon as she did Bill appeared behind you. You jumped a bit, startled, and felt heat creeping up the back of your neck when he reated his head on your shoulder. "You never came back," he said, his lips in a fake-pout. You attempted to shove him away but he wrapped his arms around your hips and hugged you. "You're blushing," he whispered in your ear, which made you blush even more. Finally you pushed away and sped to catch up with the rest of the group, cheeks still hot and Bill still following you.

When you made it to the ferris wheel Mabel jumped into one of the cart-things and Wendy and Tamry followed. Which meant...you were sitting with both Dipper and Bill. You were awkwardly in the middle, between the two. You intently watched Mabel in front of you, taking selfies with Tamry. You tried to focuse on anything but Bill and Dipper. Which you failed miserably at. As soon as you felt Bill tap your shoulder you whirled around to face him, blushing yet again. You silently cursed yourself and said simply, "don't touch me." You saw Bill do his pouting face and hug you, pulling your body close to his so that your head was against his chest. You were sure your face was literally as red as a tomato. Over your shoulder Bill stuck his toungue out and Dipper furrowed his eyebrows. furious. Suddenly he pulled up his sleeve and Bill let go of you. You faced Dipper and looked at his arm, covered in tiny red dots of dried blood. Fork marks. "Sorry," you winced and Dipper shrugged, "no problem. They don't hurt as much at least." You flashed him a smile and then cringed as you saw his nose up close. It was obviously broken, with a Band-Aid across it and crusty dry blood going from inside his nose to right above his upper lip. That looked really painful.

When the ride came to an end it was sundown. All six of you went back to the pier area where Soos was waiting for you. "I'm stayin' to see the fireworks," he said and you smiled. You always loved fireworks, especially on the beach. "I'll stay too," you offered. Mabel sighed. "I would love too but Dipper looks dead." She reached over and grabbed his arm, dragging him in the direction of Soos's car. "We'll be in the car," Wendy called and she and Tamry followed. "Fireworks are stupid," Bill said randomly. "You can go too if you want," you offered, crossing your arms. He shook his head and took a seat next to you in the sand. Shortly after the fireworks started. They were really bright and loud, but beautiful. "Maybe they're not that stupid," Bill smiled and you beamed back at him. She's so cute, Bill thought to himself, smirking, and...so gullible.

As you went back to watching the display you felt Bill's hand wrap around yours, holding it. It surpsrised you, but what you happened next surprised you even more. You didn't pull away.

Hope you liked that chapter! Wasn't as bad as I thought, maybe I was in the mood for writing...
Anyway, someone asked me why all my pictures of Bill Cipher at the beginnings of the chapters were different. The answer is that there are many amazing variations of Bill. Everyone has their own favourite verion of him and that's why I try to include all if not most of them in the pictures. If the picture isn't of your favourite Bill just pretend it is. I don't want to keep this a strictly one-Bill fanfic :)
Let me know how you liked this chapter and I will update soon. See you!

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