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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.

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I'm so happy to have Jasper around. I felt so much calmer. I got to see him everyday since we live in the same house. He would watch me sleep every day. It felt nice to sleep next to him. I felt very safe and secure.

I was currently at my brother's house for a visit. I hadn't told Jasper and his family about being a psychic vampire yet. I told my brother about my engagement to Jasper. Of course, he went big brother on me but, he was happy for me. Jasper would have to go through a trial when we get close to our wedding date.

We had planned to get married when I get a bit older. The twins were very happy to see me. Of course, I helped them train a bit. They wanted me to do everything for them. They wanted to play, read, eat, and sleep with me. Well, I slept with them sometimes.

"Stop guys. You guys need to stop splashing," I said to the kids. I was washing them at the same time. I first washed Derek and then Sandy. Derek was a bit of a handful since he liked to get me wet. Sandy loved the bubbles.

After their baths, I dried them well. I made them hot chocolate and oatmeal cookies. They loved their sweets. "So when are we going to meet our uncle?" Sandy asked me. I looked at her with a smile. "Probably soon. I haven't told him about you guys yet," I said to him. I only told him about having a brother.

I had shown a picture of him to them. They really wanted to meet their new Uncle Jasper. I actually liked the sound of it. Everyone in the house thought that he was a decent guy.

I took my phone out to see that it was Jasper. I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said in the phone. "Hello darlin'," I heard through the phone. It made me smile. "Hi Jasper," I said through the phone. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"Oh I'm just giving my niece and nephew their bedtime snack," I said to him. "Niece and nephew?" he said to me confused a bit. "They are my brother's kids. I guess I didn't tell you that part," I said to him. "It's okay. You are coming to my graduation right?" he asked me.

"Of course. I'm planning to leave here tomorrow. I should get there by the day after tomorrow," I said to him. "Okay. be safe. I don't want anything to happen to you," he said to me. "Alright," I said to him. I turned my attention to the kids.

"Say bye guys," I said to them. I put the phone in speaker mode. "Good night Uncle Jasper," they said at the same time. I heard him chuckle through the phone. "Good night kids," he said to them. "Good night. I love you," I said to him. "I love you too darlin'," he said to me and hung up.

I turned my head toward the kids to see that they were done with their snack. "Okay guys time for bed," I said to them. I walked them to the bathroom so that they brushed their teeth. After brushing their teeth, I tucked them into bed. I read them a bedtime story.

I saw that they were asleep after a few minutes. I closed the books and gave each of them a kiss on the head. Once out of the room, I walked over to my brother who was in the living room. "They're asleep," I said to them.

Brent looked up from his book. "Thank you," he said to me. I walked to a sofa to sit down. "I have a feeling that something is going to happen once your friend turn into a blood feeding vampire," he said to me. I gave him a nod. "I feel that way also," I said to him.

He placed his book down on the table next to him. "You will have to be prepared sister. Sooner or later, the Cullens will know your secret," he said to me. "Yes. I'm aware of it. Only time will tell...I guess," said to him. He gave me a nod.

I need to prepare myself now.

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