Chapter 4: Train and Story

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.


I slept in the living room for the night. Esme was kind enough to bring a blanket and a pillow for me. Everyone was watching over me. Alice saw that I was going to be targeted as well. I knew that Jasper wasn't going to sit back and do nothing.

Normal view.....

Jasper and Emmett came back to the house to see everyone in the living room. Jasper saw Beverly sleeping on the couch. He quietly walked to her and lifted her up and let her sleep in his lap. He could hear her breathing.

"I'm guessing that you didn't find him," Carlisle said to him. Jasper looked up at him. "His scent disappeared 7 miles north from here," Jasper said to him. "It was the same scent coming from Bella's house," Emmett said to him.

"We will need to keep a close eye on the girls until we destroy them," Carlisle told them. Jasper agreed with him. Jasper lifted Beverly up and walked to her room. She laid her down on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

He walked to the other side of the bed and laid down next to her. He held her close and breathed her scent to calm himself down.

Next day......

Beverly's point of view.......

I woke up to feel a light breeze in the room. I got up to see Jasper standing in the balcony. He turned around and looked at me. I gave him a smile. "Good morning," I said to him. He walked over to me. "Good morning darlin," he said to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

He helped me off the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "I was so worried about you. You ran off so suddenly," I said to him. I felt him wrap his arm around me tight. "I'm sorry. I needed to catch him," he said to me.

I pulled away from him. "Did you?" I asked him. He shook his head. "His scent disappeared before I could catch him. I'm sorry," he apologized to me. I shook my head. "You don't need to apologize to me about that," I said to him.

I let go of him. "I'm going to get washed up," I said to him. He gave me a nod. "We will be leaving at noon to train," he said to me. I gave him a nod and walked into the bathroom to wash my hair and get dressed.

After breakfast, I took the time to walk into the woods for some fresh air with Jasper. He didn't leave my side. I breathed the fresh crisp air. and feel the bark of the trees against my hands. I also ate some energy. I felt like I had a lot of energy.

Soon, it was noon. Jasper had me on his back and we ran through the trees to a spot to train with the rest of his family. Jasper was going to spar with everyone since he had the most experience with newborns.

Emmett was going up against Jasper. I stood between Carlisle and Esme. I saw Emmett charging at Jasper but, Jasper manage to lift him and throw him back. I really got to see Jasper's strength since when the family fought against James.

Emmett got up from the ground and looked at Jasper. "Again," Emmett said to him. I knew that Emmett wasn't going to stop. I heard a car behind me. I turned around to see a truck. I could see that it was Edward and Bella.

Everyone looked at them. I made my way over to Jasper who wrapped his arms around my waist from my back. I felt him breathing in my neck. I knew that he was worried about me getting hurt or worse killed.

Once Bella and Edward got to up, I saw the family turning their heads towards the trees. I looked to see the pack of wolves standing before us. I knew the back wolf was Sam. The wolf near Bella was Jacob.

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