Chapter 7: The Relief

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.



{He's alive.} I felt so much relief that I was crying. "What's wrong?" he asked me. I wiped my tears with my hands but, the tears kept falling. "Nothing. I'm just.....I'm so happy to hear your voice," I said to him.

"It's over Beverly. The battle is done," he said to me. I managed to stop crying. "Is everyone okay?" I asked him. "Yes. Everyone is fine," he said to me. "How's Bella?" I asked him. "She's with Edward right now," he said to me.

"Did...did the Volturi get involved?" I asked him. "They came right after the battle. We had one of the vampires who didn't fight us but, the Volturi ordered the vampire to be destroyed," he explained to me.

"I guess. I'll try to head back home tomorrow," I said to him. "You don't have to. You must have gotten there today. You can comeback in a few days once you are rested," he said to me. {I'm not going to wait that long.}

"Okay then. I'll come home soon," I said to him. "Okay. I love you darlin," he said to me. His words made me smile. "I love you too," I said to him and hung up. I was so relieved that the war was over. I could feel my heart slow down.

I looked at the time. "What do you guys want for dinner?" I called out to the hallway. "Sea chicken," I heard the kids say. {Sea Chicken?} "What's sea chicken?" I asked them. Kevin came into the kitchen. "What do they mean by sea chicken?" I asked him.

"It's shrimp. That's what their mother called them because they didn't like it at first," he explained to me. "I guess I can make shrimp scampi with pasta for them," I told him. I walked over to the fridge and took out the ingredients for dinner.

Few hours later.....

The kids had two slices of cake and got washed up for bed. I tucked them in. "Aunt Beverly. Can you tell us a bed time story?" they asked me in unison. "What kind of story?" I asked them. "How about how you and uncle Jasper met?" Sandy asked me.

"You really want to hear it?" I asked them. "Yes," they said in unison. I sat between their beds and told them how I met Jasper. They were falling asleep by the time I was telling them about our school project on the Civil War.

I fixed their blankets and walked out of the room.

Couple days later....

I passed the border to Forks. I drove through the night. I didn't feel very tired. I couldn't wait to see Jasper and everyone. Soon, I was driving through the woods to the house. I could feel my heart beating in excitement.

I saw the house and parked the car. I got out of the car and got my bag. I carried the bag up the stairs and walked into the house. I felt so much better being back. "I'm home," I said out loud. Somehow, I didn't hear anything.

"Jasper?" I called out. I heard no answer. "Carlisle? Esme?" I called out. I heard no answer. "Where is everyone?" I asked myself. I walked up the stairs to the living room to see no one. The kitchen was empty.

"Maybe they went out to hunt," i concluded to myself. I walked to my room to put the clothes in the laundry. I took a shower and dressed into something comfortable. I walked out to the bed to take a little nap.

Few hours later.....

I woke up to hear the front door open. {They must be home.} I quickly made my way down to see Esme and Carlisle. They looked at me with a smile. "Beverly welcome home," Esme said and gave me a hug. "I missed you guys," I said to her. I looked at Carlisle.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him. "We were coming back from hunting," he said to me. I gave him a nod. "You must be hungry. I'm going to make some food for you," Esme said and walked to the kitchen.

Carlisle followed her. I walked over to the living room to watch some television. After an hour, I walked into the kitchen to see food on the table. It was dinner time. It was lasagna and some salad. I took a bite of the lasagna and it was delicious.

"How is it?" Esme asked me. "It's really good," I said to her. She gave me a smile. After thirty minutes, I was done with my dinner. I took the plates and washed the dishes. I walked over to the stairs to hear the door open.

I turned my head to see Jasper and the others. He gave me a smile. I ran over to him and immediately gave him a big hug. "I missed you so much," I said to him. I felt him wrap his arms around me.

"I missed you too darlin," he said to me. We pulled apart and each of them gave me a hug to welcome me back home. "Oh yeah. I got some pictures of my nice and nephew. It's in my room. I'll show you guys later," I said to them.

I took Jasper's hand and led him to my room. Once in my room, I looked at him. "So tell me about the battle," I said to him. He led me to the bed and we cuddled against each other. I could see the seriousness in his eyes.

"We saw them break through the trees. The wolves followed right behind us. I managed to destroy many of the vampires. After destroying them, we had to burn the pieces. We made a fire to burn them. After a while, a vampire came out. Jacob Black got hurt in the process," he said to me.

"Hope he's okay," I said to him. He gave me a nod. "Carlisle managed to go over to his house to treat him. Alice warned us that the Volturi. They couldn't find out about our treaty with the wolves. The wolves ran away from the battle grounds," he said to me. I gave him a nod.

"The Volturi noticed Bella not being a vampire yet. She said that the date was set," he said to me. "I guess she is really going to go through with it," I said to him. "You still have time to think about it. Don't worry," he said to me.

{That's no problem to me.}

I yawned a bit. "Did you sleep?" he asked me. "I didn't sleep on the way here. I drove through the night to get here. I wanted to see you so much," I said to him. "You should have stayed the night in Oregon. You could have gotten into an accident on the way here," he said to me.

"I'm sorry," I said to him. He moved me closer to him. "Go to sleep. I'll watch over you," he said to me. I gave him a nod. I got comfortable and went into deep sleep.

{No more worries.}

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