Chapter 3: Mystery Vampire

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.


Next day......

Jasper was in my room watching out the door/window while I was reading a book. He hadn't left my side for a long period of time unless he had to go out and hunt. I didn't mind the company. I didn't want to be alone.


Jasper picked up his phone. After a minute, he hung up and looked at me. "I want you to be at the living room with Carlisle. Emmett and I need to go out for something," he said to me. I gave him a nod and walked down the stairs to the living room.

I watched him walk out the door with Emmett. {What is going on?} Bella and Edward came into the room. Alice sat next to Bella. I stood around waiting for Jasper. I was getting really worried about him. Esme rubbed my back.

"Who is it? Someone we knew?" Carlisle asked Edward. "It's a stranger. I didn't recognized his scent," Edward answered him. "A nomad passing through," Esme said wondering. "A passerby wouldn't leave Bella's father alive," Rosalie said to everyone.After a while, the door opened and Jasper walked inside with Emmett.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. {Thank God your safe.} I let go and turned around to face the family. Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist. He was careful not to hurt me. He was affectionate.

"Scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house," Jasper told them. "Someone is orchestrating this," Carlisle concluded to everyone. "Victoria?" Bella wanted to know. "I would have seen her decide," Alice said to her.

"It has to be the Volturi," Edward tried to conclude. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. "I've been watching Aro's decision too," Alice said to him. "So we keep looking," Emmett said to them. "We all will take shifts guarding Bella's house," Carlisle said to everyone.

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie said to them. "Rosalie," Carlisle said her name. I knew that Rosalie didn't like the idea. Edward didn't want Bella to feel defenseless. Bella didn't want them to starve.

She made plans for the werewolves to guard the house from time to time so that they could all hunt.

Few days later.....

Graduation day was here. It was kind of funny though. Jasper and the others were graduating again. I felt bad for them. They had graduated so many times. It meant another graduation cap on their wall with the other caps.

I walked with Carlisle and Esme to our seats. I sat next to Esme of course. I could see Jasper from my seat. He had his hair flattened today. It looked good on him. He looked a lot southern. It matched with his gentleman personality.

I watched the graduation ceremony. I didn't have one since I graduated early. It was nice to see what a High School Graduation looked like. One by one, I saw each of them receive their diploma. They had a smile on there faces.

After the graduation, I met them outside. I gave Bella a hug. "Congrats," I said to her. "Thank you," she said to me. I saw that her father was coming towards us. I walked away to give them some space.

I saw the Cullens gather. I walked over to them. Jasper noticed me and walked over to me. I gave him a big hug and a kiss. "Congratulations Jasper," I said to him. He gave me a smile. "Thank you darlin," he said to me.

He took my hand and pulled me to his family. After a while, we walked to the cars. Jasper helped me inside the car and we drove to the house. I got out of the car and walked up to my room. I changed my clothes to something more comfortable.

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