Found pt 1

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Momonga then let out some of his power which made Ark do the same "Well done I have total confidence in you my guardians" said Momonga as the guardians were happy to hear that he believed in them. "Lord Momonga I have a question," asked Cocytus "Yes what is your question Cocytus," asked Momonga. "Well lord might I ask who the person with white hair next to you is," asked Cocytus. "Oh that's right this is your first time meeting him, listen well my guardians the person standing next to me is Ark and he is my son," said Momonga as this news shocked the others.


The guardians were shocked by the news "It's a pleasure to meet you all" said Ark as he took a step forward that is when Mare and Aura bowed their heads confusing the others except Momonga. "Please forgive us for raising our weapons towards you young lord we didn't know you were lord Momonga's son we ask you for the harshest punishment to atone for our actions," said both Aura and Mare.

"There is no need for that now please lift your heads," said Ark as they did "B-but we raised our weapons at you," said Mare as he looked like he was about to cry. "You only did because you were protecting my father from an unknown person I am glad you are both concerned about his safety," said Ark "Thank you, young lord," said the twins.

Ark then turned to Momonga "Oh dad shouldn't you also mention something else" said Ark as Momonga was confused by what he meant until Ark pointed at both albedo and shalltear. Momonga only coughed "Oh yes there is also one other thing I must address you ark was just created and a part of me was used to create him but that is not all he also has albedos and shalltear powers as well," said Momonga as this shocked the guardians even further and causing both albedo and shalltear to look at Ark.

"It's nice to meet you, Mom," said Ark as Albedo and Shalltear's faces soon became red as smoke escaped their ears and they both were now lying on the ground. "Dad I think I broke Mom," said Ark as he looked at Momonga as Demiurge was smiling.


After a while albedo and shalltear were mostly back to normal, momonga then told them they were in another world and assigned different tasks to each of them as he and Ark teleported back to Momongas's room. "Well that was interesting wasn't it dad," asked Ark "Indeed it was," said Momonga as he spent some of the afternoons teaching Ark about the tomb and the different floors it has.

Soon momonga and Ark were out of the tomb wearing armor as they made it to the 1st floor they were now walking the stairs which led to the outside world as They made it to the top they saw three demons in front of them.

Soon momonga and Ark were out of the tomb wearing armor as they made it to the 1st floor they were now walking the stairs which led to the outside world as   They made it to the top they saw three demons in front of them

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"Dad how are these guys," asked Ark "Envy, jealousy, and wrath are the three demon generals under Demiurge," said Momonga just then demiurge and they all bowed to Momonga and Ark. It's you momonga-same, and Ark-sama but why are you out of the tomb without a bodyguard and wearing such armor," asked demiurge. "Well you see the is a reason for all of this," said Momonga as demiurge then had a thought and smiled "I see so that is how it is, as expected of a ruler and future ruler your attention to detail is astonishing," said demiurge.

"Even so I can't allow you to leave without a bodyguard if anything were to happen to the both of you I would never forgive myself," said Demiurge. "Alright then we allow you and you alone to accompany us," said Ark as they walked past demiurge. "Thank you for indulging my request I shall not fail you," said Demurge as he stood up and walked with them to the outside world.

As soon as they stepped foot outside both Momonga and Ark were amazed by the night sky soon momonga opened a small gate and pulled out a necklace with a wind metal piece on it soon the necklace glowed blue "Fly" said Momonga as he soon took to the night sky ark then sprouted four wings on his back the top two were black feathers and the bottom two were bat wings.

Ark then flew after Momonga and demiurge transformed into a toad-like demon and flew off after them. Momonga soon flew above the clouds and saw how beautiful the night sky was "The stars look like jewels in a treasure box don't you think Dad" said Ark "Yes they do indeed" said Momonga "I believe we were transported to this world so that you may both be adorn with it infinite riches" said demiurge. "Maybe you are right, perhaps we did come to obtain those riches," said Momonga. "If you would like them we do everything in our power to get them for you both," said Demiurge. "I think it's too soon for a quest don't you think so dad," asked Ark "Yes I am afraid it is though the most enjoyable thing to do now would be taking over the world," said Momonga as his statement shocked both ark and demiurge (yeah right like that would happen).

Just then both momongas and ark felt a huge amount of magic. "Dad," said Ark as Momonga turned to him "Yes I sense it too," said Momonga as they both turned to where they sensed a huge amount of magic was located. "Momonga-sama do you want me to send a party to investigate" asked Demiurge "No if we waste time we might not get a chance to know if it could cause us trouble or not," said Ark as Momonga nodded before they went to where the magic was concentrated.


Somewhere in the grassy plain was an old abandoned house ruined due to time the windows were shattered and vegetation covered the exterior of the house, with cracks visible inside was a boy in rags the only source of light he had was the moonlight coming in from the windows and holes in the roof and other parts of the house.

"I have enough of this loneliness why do I still bother living maybe I should just end this," said the boy as he got out a dagger he kept with him and placed near his neck and was about to kill himself only to be stopped when he heard the door creaked open and a huge skeleton with a weird outfit and another person who was about the same height as the skeleton entered the house.

"I guess I should be honored that you came to get me yourself although I never imagined you would look like this," said the boy as Momonga looked at him and then at Ark who only shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry but I don't believe we have met before," said the momonga.

"Here I thought death knows the name of all he takes," said the boy. "Well you are sorta correct on the death part but he rules over it," said Ark as the boy looked at them. "So how about you put the knife down and tell us who you are," said Ark as the boy thought to humor them as he put the knife on the ground. "Well my name is" The boy was about to say his name but then looked at the floor in anger "Actually I don't have a name and my life has been nothing but a nightmare ever since I was born," said the boy as they were both interested as to why.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, let me know what to name the kid

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