Learning about magic

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"It's just that it has been so long since I ate a warm meal," said Leo as he continued to eat happily as Mononga and Ark wanted to kill the bastards that made him suffer. Soon Leo yawned as Momonga lifted him and took him to bed but Leo did not let go of Momonga as he was afraid if he did he would be gone. "How about he sleeps with me in my room Dad," said Ark as Momonga handed Leo to Ark they went to his room and placed Leo in bed as he sat in a chair watching over him till he fell asleep.


Leo soon woke up and sat up and stretched before rubbing his eyes and looking around the room "So it wasn't a dream after all" said Leo as he smiled he saw Ark sleeping in a chair and knew that he was watching him as he slept and decide to wake him up.

"Ark, time to get up," said Leo as he gently shook him, ark then yawned "Oh nothing Leo how did you sleep," asked Ark "I slept fine thanks to you," said Leo as Ark smiled just then they heard knocking on the door and one of the maids entered the room "Master Leo, Master Ark breakfast is ready," said the maid. "we'll be right there thank you," said ark as she bowed before leaving the room.

Leo and Ark soon got changed and left the room where a maid was waiting for them and then led them to the dining room where Momonga was waiting for them. The maids then pulled their chairs so that they could sit "Thank you" said Leo as the maid smiled "It is my pleasure" said the maid as they left to go get their food. "So did you two sleep well," asked Momonga.

"Yes although I feel bad that Ark had to sleep on a chair for the night," said Leo "It was no problem I decided to do it so don't worry about it," said Ark as the maids then brought out their food. "If it's alright d-dad I would like my room so that Ark can have a good night's sleep," said Leo, "I told you I am alight Leo so there is no need," said Ark. "That may be true but I feel bad that you have to sacrifice you own well being for me," said Leo (he is such a caring boy).

"Alright if that is your wish so be it," said Momonga "Thanks," said Leo with a smile. "Now as I said yesterday the both of you will learn magic and the great tomb from Demiurge and combat from cocutus," said Momonga. They both nodded as they as they finished their breakfast. "If you need me I will be in my study," said Momonga as they left the dining room.

The maids then led them to an empty room where demiurge was waiting for them and bowed "It is good to you both ready to begin our lesson" said demiurge "Yes, we will be in your care" said Leo as he did a bowed which surprised demiurge "master Leo why are you bowing to me" asked demiurge "oh right I forgot I am not in my world" thought Leo as he tried to think of something "don't worry about it demiurge he is just showing gratitude that you are teaching us" said ark.

"Oh I see then I will do my best to live up to your kindness," said Demurge. Demiurge taught them how the great tomb of Nazarik was built and about the other "supreme beings". He then taught them the basics of wielding magic and how to use it effectively. That is when they discovered Leo's abilities "Now then there are many types of magic that range from low tier to super tier each of them is in a category of their own like this" said Demiurge as he made a fireball appear in his right hand and had a bark flame appear on his left hand.

"As you can see the flame on my right is a tier three spell called a fireball, while the flame on my left is tier seven called hell flame," said Demiurge as he made the flames disappear "Momonga-sama is the only one that can use super take magic which is 11th tier," said demiurge as they were in awe that their father could wield such magic. Leo decided to try something as he closed his eyes and focused his magic "hell flame" said Leo as he opened his eyes and saw a purple flame in his right hand.

Ark only smiled "That is amazing Leo-sama I am at a loss for words," said Demiurge. "How did you do that," asked. "I just felt like I could after I saw it," said Leo as Demiurge had an idea "Master Leo you said that you can use the spell just seeing am I correct," said Demiurge Leo nodded "I see try and use this spell then lightning," said demiurge lighting shot out of his finger and hit the wall leaving a burnt mark.

"Alright lightning," said Leo as he fired lightning from his index finger and shot and it went through the wall leaving a giant hole. Ark was surprised as he saw his brother who couldn't even control his magic when they found him, obliterate the wall "It seems my idea was correct" said Demiurge as Ark and Leo were confused "What idea" asked Leo. "It would appear that you can copy any spell you see and amplify its effect," said Demiurge as he was smiling.

Three hours had passed as Demiurge finished the lesson. "Unfortunately that is all the time we have for today tomorrow we will be learning about the guardian and our roles," said Demiurge. As the wall was being repaired by the maids.

"Thank you for the lessons demiurge," said Ark "It was my pleasure young master I will also have to thank Momonga-sama for giving me the honor of teaching you both," said demiurge. "Honestly I am amazed by our lord's genius," said demiurge "What do you mean I thought Dad just wanted us to learn about the tomb and magic," said Ark.

"Yes but Momonga-sama has thought of this even further," said demiurge "How," asked Leo "You see your father has asked me to teach you about the great tomb and other subjects but it is also a test run for when others to learn of the history of the great tomb of nazarik for generations to come," said demiurge as they were both surprised by how much their father has planned.

"Now then if you hold onto me, I will take you both to Cocytus for your next lesson," said demiurge as Ark put his hand on his shoulder Leo grabbed his hand and used the ring Momonga gave him and teleported to the arena where Cocytus was waiting for them. "Now then I will take my leave I wish you both the best of luck," said Demiurge as he left.

"It is good to see you both in good health," said Cocytus as he walked towards them Leo was amazed by how Cocytus looked and remembered what Demiurge said to call him. "Thank you, Uncle Cocytus, we will be in your care," said Leo as he and Ark bowed. As they looked at Cocytus he stood still and was confused as to why Cocytus was just standing there.

Cocytus then began to fall to the floor which shocked them "I can die happy now" said Cocytus as he laid on his back and saw what appeared to be his soul leaving his body "Ah uncle don't die" said Ark and Leo as they caught his soul and put it back into his body.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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