Saving a village pt 2

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"You shall remember it well and tell everyone about our powers, I am Ainz ooal gown, and these two are my son Ark ooal gown and Leo ooal gown," said Ainz as he turned to them.


Ainz and the others were hovering over the village and watched as the death knight was killing the human knights. "I thought they would put up more of a fight but to think they were this weak," said Ark as he was wearing a black mask with horns.

They continued to watch the Death Knight killing the soldiers as one of the knights was crying out to the others to act as his shields so that he could get away saying that he would pay them any price

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They continued to watch the Death Knight killing the soldiers as one of the knights was crying out to the others to act as his shields so that he could get away saying that he would pay them any price. "Death Knight kill that guy slowly, people like him deserve to suffer," said Leo as he was wearing a mask as well.

The death knight did what it was told and it was toying with the knight stabbing it multiple times in the chest as the knight was begging for someone to save him

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The death knight did what it was told and it was toying with the knight stabbing it multiple times in the chest as the knight was begging for someone to save him. That is when the death knight stabbed the knight one last time killing him. They then saw the other soldiers were afraid then their leader took charge and rallied the other knights. "Oh seem like there is one with some guts," said Ark as they watched them charge at the death knight but it was futile as they were dead in seconds and that is when the leader charged at the death knight only for him to meet his end as the death knight sliced off his head as blood sprayed out and the leader's head rolled to the ground.

"He did well for someone so weak," said Ark "Leo that will suffice," said Ainz "Yes Dad, stop death knight you served us well," said Leo as the people of the village wondered where the voice was coming from and so them in the air as they descended to the ground "Good evening my name is Ainz Ooal gown and these are my sons and companion it is a pleasure to meet all of you," said Ainz as the people look at them in awe. "You don't have to worry about the death knight tell your owner our kindness, but know that if you ever show yourself to us ever again we will bring death to your entire kingdom, now get out of our sights Mongols," said Ark as the knights flee in terror.

"Don't forget to say how cool we are either," said Leo "Um excuse me sir not that we aren't grateful but why did you come to this village?" asked an old man "We could not stand by and watched innocent people be murdered, call it a moral obligation" said Leo as he remembered that he needs to be confident and stand above others like demiurge said. The people still looked worried as Ark thought of something "We don't do this kind of work for free though we expect to be compensated for our actions" said Ark as the people looked relieved.

Soon Ainz talked to the old man who was the chief of the village as Ark and Leo were waiting outside and Leo was using the Death Knight as a jungle gym. After a while, Ainz came out of the house and once he saw Loe on the death knight he went into parent mode and told Leo to get off once Ainz was done checking Leo to see if he was alright. They soon accompanied the villagers as they buried the dead and had a moment of silence for them "Can't dad just bring them back to life" asked Leo as he saw Ainz holding a golden wand "he can but dad is considering what the effect it will have if the villagers saw him do that it could bring us more trouble" said Ark.

Ainz then walked away and they followed him Leo then held Ainz's and Albedo's hands and continued to walk as Ainz tried to keep his composure while Albedo was delighted by this. "I think it would be best not to take the lives of anybody unless we have to," said Ainz "Why," asked Leo with his head leaning sideways "It could bring us some unnecessary trouble if we do," said Ark "Oh ok," said Leo. It was now sunset as they saw the villagers departing their houses from the attack. "What do you think of humans," asked Ainz "Except for Leo I saw them as nothing just weak creatures scurrying around but now I'm intrigued by them," said Ark "They weak insects that deserve to be crushed under foot our son being an exception of course," said albedo "I don't know," said Leo in conflicted because the people in the village were nice to him, unlike other people.

That is when they saw some of the villagers talking to the village chief and walked over to them "Is something the matter village chief," asked Ainz "Oh sir Ainz we have just been informed that more soldiers are heading this way at breakneck speed" said the village chief "don't worry we can handle this gather the villagers and take them to your house then meet us at the town square" said Ark as the chief nodded.

They then waited at the square and heard the noise of horses coming their way and saw soldiers that were different from the ones they killed. Soon the soldiers stopped in front of them "I am the chief warrior of the Re-Estize kingdom, My name is Gazef Stronoff his majesty has ordered me to hunt down the knights that have been attacking surrounding villages you are safe now we will do all that we can to protect you" said Gazef. "Then why are you late," asked Leo shocking Gazef "Sorry about my son he is still young and has much to learn," said Ainz.

"It's fine," said Gazef "Thank you general Gazef but-," the village chief was then interrupted by Ainz "No need to worry about that now it is a please to meet you general my name is Ainz ooal gown and these are my sons Ark and Leo along with my companion we simply stumbled upon this town while the knights were attacking. Then Gazef got off his horse and walked over to Ainz "Thank you sir Ainz for without you these people would have lost their lives" said Gazef. "General there seems to be a large group of people surrounding the village," said one of Gazef's men as Ainz looked at the horizon.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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