Chapter 24

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Lizzie's POV

I slowly pull up on Scarlett's drive, I've got a couple of hours to kill while Alexa is at therapy. Where better to spend it than with my two best friends. Let's just forget about the mountain of laundry piling up at home okay!

I take what feels like a solid 5 minutes, making sure to be extra cautious when parking up beside the new car that RDJ had made for Chris. My Prius I can replace, but a one of a kind sports car from Robert Downey Jr. Not so much.

Once I'm safely parked I squeeze out the door of my car, I have more room than I think but I'm not taking that risk.

It's been so long since I was last here, as I approach the door I almost found myself going to knock first which makes me feel a little weird.

"Scar!" I yell out expecting an instant reply, as I take my shoes off and grab my phone from my bag. I walk towards the kitchen when no one answers me, soon realising why. "LIZZIE!" I get the fright of my life when Chris jumps out at me, phone in hand.

"CHRISTOPHER! Stop doing that!" I shriek as he doubles over with laughter.

I turn to Scarlett who is just quietly sat sipping an iced tea with that faux innocent look she does and scowl at her. "You're just as bad for encouraging it!" I sulk my way over and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

Maybe I have missed these two more than I realised.

"The fact you think I could've talked him out of it concerns me." Scarlett defends herself as she leans back into my chest and rightfully so, it's all Scott's fault. They spend all of their time jumping out at each other and now it's festered into our lives too.

I walk back towards Chris and not so gently smack him across the back of the head and open the pantry door. "Okay I deserved that!" Chris laughs while cupping his head. All those muscles but deep down he is a baby in a grown man's body.

"I saw online you have another new girlfriend Chrissy!" Scarlett mocks the 15th article we've seen this month. I laugh along until we both notice Chris isn't laughing with us. "You have a girlfriend?" I squeal. "Evans why didn't you tell us?"

"Okay, okay! You two back up and I will tell you about my date." He gives in, as we both literally back him into the corner of the kitchen. "Once we get our snacks and head into the sun." He decides.


"You look lighter, Liz." Chris tells me as we sit down in the yard. We made a jug of iced tea and plated up a few snacks. "It's getting better, slowly." I agree, not wanting to talk too much about it. I'm sticking to keeping things between Alexa and I for now.

"Stop changing the subject Evans, who is the girl? How did you meet?" Scarlett sets us back on track. Chris laughs and sighs as if there was a chance in hell he was getting out of this conversation. "Well to start she isn't my girlfriend... not yet."

"I'm just trying not to dive straight into this one, she did a shoot with Scott a few months ago and we really hit it off." Chris explains. What he says is completely wild to me, one thing about him is he's all or nothing when it comes to... well anything, but especially girls.

"I'm not rushing it, I really want to put in the time with this girl she is just so... different to literally anyone else I've ever dated." Chris admits, we talk about her a little longer and she sounds really sweet and through a look Scarlett and I exchange I know we're both in agreement, we approve of this.

I lie back on the sun lounger, feeling slight rays on my skin. Oh how I love summer! I turn my head slightly and watch Scarlett as she scoops her hair back into a claw clip and puts her sunglasses on leaning back on her elbows... one could only dream of looking that elegant. Thankfully Chris is here or I would've got lost just admiring my best friend as I usually do.

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