Lord Lin

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Xuanyuan Lang's throat had gone dry. His head was spinning.

Hua Meng was dead? Hua Yuheng's father, that large man with the twinkle in his eyes... Dead? And worse, a traitor?

"...That can't be."

"Insolence! Are you denying His Majesty's words?"

"No, Father! I mean no disrespect!" Xuanyuan Lang raised his head, still on his knees, and looked at his father in the eyes for the first time that day. He could not even remember the last time he had looked at the Emperor like this.

Emperor Zhong was in his fifties now, with a hard and lined face around deep-set eyes. He looked thinner and gaunter than Xuanyuan Lang remembered, as though the years were catching up to him and he was desperately trying to outrun them. Even though he was a diminished figure in his golden robes, when he looked down on the court from his throne like this, Xuanyuan Lang was again reminded that he still retained absolute command over the kingdom and everyone within its borders.

But... he was nevertheless human. That fact never struck Xuanyuan Lang this hard until he looked up and saw the weariness in his father's eyes.

Despite what the commonfolk may think, the Emperor was not a god. And even gods made mistakes.

Xuanyuan Lang held his gaze. "I suspect that there is more to this than it looks on the surface, Father. I beg that you look into these accusations once more."

"Oh?" Emperor Zhong rested his head on his hand. "Why do you think so? You, who have never stepped beyond these palace walls nor seen the world beyond. What gives you the confidence to voice such doubts?"

"I have not seen the world beyond these walls, but I have met General Hua. Not once, but twice, three years ago. He..." Xuanyuan Lang swallowed hard and had to find his voice. "He did not strike me as a traitor."

"You met him twice, yet you claim to know his integrity?" The Emperor chuckled. "Truly the naivete of youth. Will you stake your life on that claim?"


"Allow me to vouch for him as well, Your Majesty." Another voice cut through the tension behind Xuanyuan Lang. He glanced over his shoulder to see an unfamiliar man step out from behind the First Prince's ranks and immediately prostrate himself in the middle of the hall next to him. The man's uniform and the adornments on his hat told Xuanyuan Lang that he was a Lower Rank-2 civil official.

"Lin Junli from the Bureau of Civil Affairs. You're sticking your neck out too?"

That name sounded faintly familiar to Xuanyuan Lang, and he would soon know why.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will confess that I am already implicated in this, because... I was the one who arranged for the correspondence between His Highness the Seventh Prince and General Hua's son."

The court burst into a whispered outroar, which the Emperor silenced with a wave.

So this was Lord Lin, General Hua's friend. Xuanyuan Lang gave him another, longer look. Lin Junli was a thin man of average height, with soft features and a face that would look attractive in a scholarly way if he were not so deathly pale. There were dark bags under his eyes, but when he caught Xuanyuan Lang peeking at him, he gave the prince a small smile that made Xuanyuan Lang's heart jump in his chest.

Then Lin Junli turned back to the Emperor, his expression solemn and determined.

"I will accept any punishment for transgressing palace protocol, and I will not excuse General Hua from this crime either. However, I firmly believe that the Guardian Tiger of the West was no traitor. Please, Your Majesty, recall how dutifully he had protected our borders for decades. Remember all the awards you personally bestowed upon him after he drove away our enemies, over and over again."

"Are you suggesting that we made a mistake, then?"

"I believe that you didn't, Your Majesty." Lin Junli's voice was firm. "But I believe that you're making one now."

There was a sharp intake of breath echoing around the hall, followed by a silence as everyone held that breath. Suddenly, the Emperor burst out laughing. "Your student has guts, Prime Minister Wang!"

The elderly official who was standing right behind Xuanyuan Chen stepped out of his rank and bowed to the Emperor. "You flatter him, Your Majesty. My foolish student is yet inexperienced and easily carried away by his emotions."

"Well, do you stand by his claim too?"

Xuanyuan Lang glanced at Lin Junli again. The man had turned so pale he was turning green.

Prime Minister Wang was giving Lin Junli a long, thoughtful look as well. After what felt like forever, he turned back to the Emperor and said respectfully, "No, Your Majesty. I do not know General Hua, certainly not to the extent my student does. There is no reason for me to risk myself for a stranger and potential traitor."

Xuanyuan Lang felt a wave of pity for Lin Junli. He was being left out to dry. The next second, the prince snorted self-deprecatingly. As if he had the time to worry about anyone else right now.

"...However. While my student may be an emotional fool, I do not think he is a hopeless judge of character. I suggest that you allow him to investigate the truth of these accusations, Your Majesty. Should he fail to return with convincing evidence, feel free to punish him as you see fit. I will not interfere nor defend him when the time comes."

"Thank you, Master." Lin Junli's voice shook, then there were three loud knocks as he rapped his forehead against the marble floor. It was painful enough just to hear, and when he raised his head once more, there was blood running down his face. "Please grant me this opportunity, Your Majesty. I beg of you."

"Hmm. What a right little circus this has become." The Emperor's eyes moved from Lin Junli to Prime Minister Wang and then back again. "Very well. We'll give you a month to get to the bottom of this, Lord Lin. We do not wish to see this mess prolonged into the new year."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lin Junli pressed his bleeding forehead against the cold floor.

"Objection, Your Majesty!" An official stepped out from the line behind the Second Prince and bowed at the Emperor. "A month is far too long. Any other accomplices could easily make their escape in the meantime. It would be far too easy for Lord Lin to... overlook them in his search."

"Lord Guo!" Someone shouted from the First Prince's camp. "What are you implying? His Majesty has already decided to reserve judgment until the end of the month. Do not attempt to falsely accuse Lord Lin without evidence!"

"Enough," the Emperor said lazily. "We agreed to a month, and we shall stand by our words. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Even if General Hua was a traitor, his plans clearly failed and resulted in his death. Any remaining accomplices would surely be equally toothless."

There was a barely audible scratch. Xuanyuan Lang looked out of the corner of his eye to see that Lin Junli had clenched his fists against the ground.

"Xuanyuan Lang."

The prince looked up at the throne once more.

"We haven't forgotten your part in this." The Emperor looked at him, almost bemused. "Even if you are truly as clueless as you claim, your negligence and skirting of palace protocol undoubtedly played a part in this scheme. To prove your innocence and atone for your mistakes, assist Lord Lin in his investigations."

"...Yes, Father." Xuanyuan Lang had no choice. And besides... the Emperor was right. He had a part in this too. "I will do everything I can."

"We look forward to seeing what you're capable of." Was the Emperor being sarcastic? Xuanyuan Lang could not tell. "As for where the two of you should start... General Wu, we trust that the transportation is going well?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The man who replied was a Rank-3 general from the Second Prince's camp. "The prisoner was escorted to the imperial prison this morning."

The prisoner?

"Hua Meng's only son, Hua Yuheng." The Emperor's lips curved into a mirthless smile. "I suspect you will have plenty to ask him, my son."

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