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"The imperial examination starts in two days, right? Let's have a family banquet tomorrow night."

The Emperor's sudden suggestion caught Xuanyuan Lang off-guard. "Why all of a sudden, Father?"

Emperor Zhong sighed, his eyes still fixed on the city gates as they slowly came to a close. "You're all grown up now, and it's been a while since we've gathered as a family outside of official events. We think perhaps some time together might be beneficial before the examination begins and things get hectic once more."

A gathering... as a family, huh? Was the Emperor suddenly thinking about being a better father? Xuanyuan Lang lowered his eyes. "I think it's a splendid idea, Father. It's a shame that Second Brother can no longer join us, but I'm sure he'll be happy to know that we're getting along as a family."

The Emperor watched him for a while, his gaze unreadable. After a moment, he said, "You've truly grown, Lang'er."

"I am honored, Father."

"In that case, we'll put you in charge of the preparations." Suddenly, the lazy, almost mischievous edge to the Emperor's voice was back. He patted Xuanyuan Lang on the latter's lowered head, as though to emphasize that he still could. "Yao'er was the one who previously oversaw these matters, but since he's gone, why don't you give it a try?"

Xuanyuan Lang bit back a grimace. "I would be glad to."

"It won't be too much effort. You just have to coordinate with the Imperial Kitchen and Ministry of Palace Affairs. Keep it simple and intimate. On the other hand, this'll keep you occupied in the build-up to the examination, yes?" Unless Xuanyuan Lang's eyes were deceiving him, he almost thought he saw the Emperor giving him a wink before he walked away with his revenue.

Xuanyuan Lang had no idea how to respond to that, so he merely murmured something along the lines of, "Understood."

Everyone stood still and bowed as the Emperor left. As the rest of the crowd milled away after that, Xuanyuan Lang noticed that a certain someone had quietly disappeared as well. Then again, he always was easily overlooked.

That day at Scarlet Pavilion, Lanying had said that she had met 'every viable candidate for the position of Crown Prince, with the exception of the reclusive Sixth Prince'. After that, the identity of the person who bid her to spike Xuanyuan Yao's drink and trigger his downfall became quite evident. After all, Lin Xiangyang had made it clear that Lord Lin's camp had given the women no such order, and Scarlet Pavilion would not run such a risk without a strong backer.

Xuanyuan Lang cast his eyes at the city gates and then upward, at the structure atop the gate. From up there, the autumn winds blew harsher, but one could look much further away. His view was obscured, yet he fancied he could see a solitary figure up there, silk robes blowing in the breeze.

He could safely rule out Xuanyuan Chen as well, he thought.

Now the question was who Xuanyuan Yao thought was to blame for his predicament. Did he still think Xuanyuan Chen had lured him to Scarlet Pavilion? Or did he know that Xuanyuan Li had used them both? If so, did he know why Xuanyuan Chen was there in the first place, or did he have mistaken ideas regarding that as well?

Xuanyuan Lang had no way of knowing the answers. However, the more he thought about it, the more he understood why Xuanyuan Yao had chosen to leave.

To him, perhaps there was no longer any reason to stay.


"A family banquet?" Consort Liang was as surprised as Xuanyuan Lang had been when the Emperor first mentioned it. "That will be... interesting."

Langhua: The Codependence of a Prince and His GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now