Scarlet Pavilion

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Along the way, street vendors and wealthy nobles alike called out to them, though mostly to Hua Yuheng.

"Master Hua! Skiving off on your studies again?"

"It's time for my break, Aunt Xia. You're packing up for the day too, aren't you? Brisk sales today, I see."

"Master Hua, the book you were looking for just came in with the new shipment today!"

"Thank you, Mr. Bo. Keep a copy for me, would you? I'll drop by tomorrow."

"Master Hua, Master Liang! Out for a stroll again today? Care to join us? We were thinking of taking a short cruise on the lake for a cup of wine and some poetry. The weather is fine for inspiration!"

Hua Yuheng gave a quiet little shudder that only Xuanyuan Lang could see. "We'd love to, Brother Ni, but I'm afraid we have some business to attend to. Maybe next time!"

Next to him, Xuanyuan Lang just responded to the young scholars a polite smile and a nod.

Since the central exam was approaching, more candidates were gathering in the capital from all across the kingdom. Some of them had clearly spent the last of their family's savings just to make the trip, and there was a strange tension in the air as noble families and officials began scouting for scholars with potential while the young men kept an eye out for patrons.

Of course, there were also those who were fully focused on studying and had to rely on congee handouts from the nobles for two meals a day. Several families were also using this opportunity to improve their reputation among the commonfolk in general by showcasing their generosity.

"I see, that's a shame. Nevertheless, send our regards to Lord Lin for us!"

"I will," Hua Yuheng called back. Xuanyuan Lang said in a voice only he could hear,

"Lord Lin is growing in prominence these days, huh?"

"His name's been getting around for a while now. This is the first central examination since Master truly began his upward rise, so I suppose what we're seeing now is the true extent of his reach among the scholars." Hua Yuheng looked pensive, but not unhappy. "Too bad Master doesn't like to socialize too much. He would probably get swamped at the schools and teahouses if he went."

"Maybe that's why he's staying away. Maybe to him, having the two of you as his disciples is already as much as he can handle."

Hua Yuheng elbowed him in the side, and Xuanyuan Lang doubled over. When he did not straighten up after a few seconds, Hua Yuheng frowned.

"Hey, you're not that weak, are you?" There was an edge of worry in his voice.

"No, you're just... too strong." Xuanyuan Lang winced and forced himself up when he saw that they were attracting some attention. "Damn, Ah Heng. You should know your own strength. Ow."

"More like you should build some more muscle," Hua Yuheng retorted. "Remember to get some ointment from me before you head back. I have something that will help with the bruising."

Xuanyuan Lang did not defend himself this time. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

They arrived at Scarlet Pavilion right as the girls were lighting the lanterns. The brothel was the most extravagant building in the street by a mile, with a red front and a green tiled roof slanted just a little taller than its neighbours such that it attracted attention without being too bold about it. The consensus was that principle applied to the women here as well.

That was probably the reason for its enduring popularity and Lin Xiangyang's propensity to hang around here every other day.

"We're not open yet."

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