Still suffering

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A killing game?! Oh no.... you didn't want to die... you were happier here. Makoto and Hina rubbed your back "it will be okay MC.." you had very loyal friends. Some might give off psycho vibes but stuck to your side. Before the motive hit. The 3 classes were gassed with despair gas yet you weren't. So the victims would beat you, insult you and touch you in unimaginable ways.

Back in Devildom

The brothers noticed something missing. For some reason they always were in the room that was once yours. The gifts they got you still remained though, one thing left behind in particular, a photo album of your good memories here. You on Lucifers back passed out but smiled a bit, Mammon holding your hand with a puppy dog look on his face as you guys went shopping, Leviathan and you at a comicon taking a selfie with Ruri-chan, Satan and you sleeping on top of a book pile with arms around each other. Asmodeus doing your makeup, Beelzebub and you cooking together, and Belphagor using you as a pillow. You had a smile on your face in each picture, and so did they. They felt sad they were hurting you, they all tried to look for you until Lucifer had told Diavolo.

Lucifer's point of view

MC was nowhere in sight. As if any of us care, Lilliana was here with us. Yet I would find myself in their room along with my brothers. I hadn't realized she has been gone for 3 months... I had to talk to Diavolo.. I went over to his palace, only to be greeted by shocked looks on butler's and Prince's faces. "MC hasn't shown up for school we need to-" "No need. They aren't coming back."
My eyes widened, "they are transferred to Hope's peak academy and I can't get them out... thry are trapped in a killing game." I felt scared, I went up to him and shook him. "There has to be something you can do!" Barbatos was about to separate us but Diavolo spoke up. "Now you care about MC?! You believed in a girl who looked like your dead sister and you only really knew for a week, yet you knew MC for a year and you belittled, harrassed, beaten, assaulted, and insulted them. Not just you, your brothers are just as guilty.. I am on the verge of removing your titles.." I refused to believe it. I would never hurt them. Barbatos brought a tablet, I seen everything. Lilliana was never the victim, MC was. My heart dropped and shattered. I went home, the other brothers saw me and I told them everything, MC was gone, thry aren't coming back. And it's our fault

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