Happiness restored

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You died. But you woke up in a familiar place, it looked edgy, goth  yet fancy, and Posh. You looked around more than realized you were in Diavolo's Palace! You felt happy here! Diavolo and Barbatos were great friends of yours but you had feelings for Diavolo, as he would personally care for you in any situation, Barbatos and you were platonic best friends. You got up but felt weight on your back that wasn't there before, you looked behind you and saw you had dark feathered wings that faded into FC tips and a shiny Halo. Barbatos came into your room, "Hello MC see you are awake." You got up and hugged him which he returned the friendly gesture. "Why do I have wings?" You asked. He sat beside you. "You become a broken angel, or hald demon half angel. You are the mascot of avengence, Meaning that you can get Revenge at anytime you want on whoever and get away with it." You smiled and talked with Barbatos only to be met with the warm smile, then a warm hug from Prince Diavolo himself." "MC, I missed you..." you hugged back and eventually a warm kiss was planted on your lips, one tasting smoky, spicy yet sweet. "MC? I have loved you ever since you fell here, you are safe under my protection and nobody will hurt you again." With those words leaving his lips you pulled him in for another kiss and hug. "Lord Diavolo.. I love you to!" You spoke. He shook his head with a smile "I am Diavolo to you sweety." You smiled. "Since you are the Avatar of Avengence, you can be the new vice president of the student council. Demoting Lucifer himself darling."

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