The Return.

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You returned to Devildom and to RAD but you had your escorts of familiars around you. Lucifer was stripped of his title and for once, he didn't let his pride get in the way. You also personally punsihed the brothers and Lilliana, your identity anonymous. Sadly you had to have a meeting with all the brothers. At least you had Diavolo with you.

The brothers point of view

Well, they're gone. All because of us. Lucifer takes bullying too seriously. Mammon wouldn't gamble again instead buying lunch for those who don't have one, Levi is becoming more active and becoming friends with those isolated. Satan is helping others study and of course scaring bullies, Asmodeus always helped others look and importantly feel good about themselves, Beel would always stand up for anyone defenseless and offer them lunch, and Belphegor actually stay awake for anyone to rant to. It was the least we could do, we hurt them, we broke them, and we chased them far away before we noticed what significance they meant to us. We also stopped hurting each otherwise, staying either really close to each other or separating. We were meeting the new council vice president, Lucifer was now a secretary. We went in and saw a figure with black angel wings like Lucifer's but faded into F/C, horns that had S/F/C rings, shiny platinum halo, H/L H/C hair styled in F/H/S. E/C eyes that had hints of F/C. No.... it can't be.......
"Gentleman, meet your new vice president MC, the Avatar of Revenge." Barbatos introduced, They waved but their eyes show lack of emotion. "They will also be the new Queen/King to Devildom." With that. Diavolo kissed them. Our blood went cold and are hearts slowed... we could have had that chance to be with them, to have them in our arms. But we picked someone else.

Third person point of view

The brothers got home, clearly heartbroken. "It's not fair that Diavolo can love them!.... but it's not fair for how they were treated either.." Levi broke the silence. "We didn't believe them when we were friends with them much longer.. Honestly I would have felt the same." Satan muttered, the others nodding in agreement. "Lilith would definitely hate how we treated her descendant.." Beel spoke. A glow came out of nowhere, eventually a girl appeared, Lilith. "I am disappointed in all of you..."

Lilith's point of view

I cannot believe this. My brothers who once were the top seven angels in the Celestial realm who are now the top seven demons of Devildom, bullying my ancestor. They got played, fooled, manipulated, tricked and used by a lookalike. MC never lied to them, was always there no matter the circumstances, made them genuinely smile and importantly they fixed the family's bonds. But they repay them with simply kicking them to the curb for Liliana. The anger that filled my soul to the brim was worse than my brother Satan's. "I am disappointed in all of you.." I appeared before them. "Lilith..." Beel started. "Why would you do that to them? They fixed you, Seven brothers, and the Seven of you plus a lookalike of me, so Eight of you were breaking and broke one person, specifically the one who put our family back together again after my death. You deserve to be demons and you definitely don't deserve to be angels. I wouldn't even think you were Angels with how you treated MC. They are in better hands with Diavolo. I am ashamed of you all." With that I disappeared to let them down in their guilt. They didn't deserve such a nice, caring, kind, generous, honest, loyal, and sweet person like MC. I am happy that Diavolo will take proper care of them, along with his butler Barbatos and her friends Simeon, Luke, and Solomon.

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