Punishment time for the better

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Ever since the brothers found out the truths of you being the victim the whole time, and you are trapped in a killing game where you could get killed at anytime. The brothers felt uneasy, they blamed themselves for trusting Lilliana over you, their close friend. They did miss Lilith, but they realized too late Lillith would have never harmed or framed an innocent person. Currently they were watching you going through beatings, insults, and even being touched in a way that requires genuine consent. They wanted destroy Monokuma and the mastermind, be there for you. But soon they had flashbacks of them doing the same things, Lucifer always belittling you in amyway possible, Mammon stealing anything of yours, Leviathan posting embarrasing moments of you online, Satan getting mad at you for anything and punching you, Asmodeus body shaming you and did the dirty with you even though you didn't consent it, Beel eating all your food. And belphie doing other things. Diavolo was with them "Now you care? You didn't care if she was harming herself with cutting and starving herself before, Nor did you care about destroying and or selling the properties her family gave her, well, she can't get those replaced as her family died at a massacre. Because of you at one time. Her depression was almost cured, but now it came back and it worsened to the point it can cause her to do something drastic enough to end her own life." The brothers felt their hearts break from a trillion pieces to quadrillion. They damaged the person who cared about them the most amd even fixed the relationships of the family. "I shuld git 'eir things back.. I'll even buy em whatever they want on me..." with that the Greedy second born went off, "They were beautiful... never ugly.. they deserve some love and apologies.. they can even destroy me as well" Asmodeus, the lustful fourth born went off, "I had no idea they weren't eating or even trying... but then again I ate their food and let them starve... and... beaten them..." Beel looked down with his head "I should make them their favourite... And protect them so that way they don't go through this again..." the Gluttonous sixth born then went off. Leviathan wiped some tears "I am a yucky Otaku... yet they didn't hate me... why did I hate them... I'll get them their favourite game they want and delete the posts.." the envious third born went off. Belphie sighed "I deserve to be locked up again in the attic even with me killing them the first time... they need more sleep than I do.. they can have my bed.. I will sleep on the floor.." the slothful seventh born went off, "They deserved better... I will study with them- no... I will do their school work..." Satan the Wrathful and fourth born, went off leaving the prideful first born behind with the Prince. He looked down at the ground, a few tears falling onto the black tiled floor. he abused you.. and he let it happen when anyone else did the same thing... that is not what a right hand man or student council president does... especially not to his friend who he loved so much... he felt like he and his brothers belonged in hell as demons for doing this.. "I should have been the friend they needed.. protected them... helped them... not judge or hurt them.. I should be their verbal and physical punching bag.. I would even be their servant and protector.. my brothers as well..." Diavolo was disgusted with him"I can't believe I had to sacrifice my happiness for their safety... I loved them..." with that he left

Back at Hope's peak

You were bullied to the bone in anyway possible, that or you were Ostrasized or isolated. You felt the pain come back again but it wasn't their fault entirely, it was that rotten motive of Monokuma's. You had a plan to save your friends... they never left you and sacrificed everything for you, so you prepared a noose with a scarf Asmodeus got you on your 17th birthday, wrote a note, climbed to the top of a tree in the garden, and let yourself hang, until Hajime, Peko and Mahiru foind your almost lifeless corpse. "No! Please MC We are Sorry!" Mahiru cried, but more tears were shed as the note you wrote was read

Hello Everyone! It is me, MC and yes.. I killed myself.. I went through severe bullying in my old school and felt triggered thanks to despair. But it was never your fault as you didn't truly ditch me.. I sacrificed myself for the sake of Hope. There is no need to apologize.

The boys witnessed your hanging and heard the narration of the voice reading your note and felt even more worse.. they wanted to take you down and hug you.. kiss you even.. Diavolo was sad, But he can see you again.

At the class trial it was clear it was a suicide and everyone blamed themselves. But Kyoko knew something they didn't. "Maybe MC is actually alive." With that she checks your body, only to feel a slow pulse, everyone felt relieved and so did the brothers, but that hope, that relief went away as Monokuma flowed with frustration as false noose hit his ears. "You faked your death... that's against school rules MC MCLN. Now you really will be dead. It's punishment time for the Ultimate T/N" The boys wanted to tear Monokuma limb to limb along with the some of the other students. They pleaded Monokuma to let you go, but you walked to your punishment with a smile. Everyone was shocked.

After you were executed Diavolo got Barbatos to cut off the system's  and let the boys see your corpse. They all hugged it crying... thry can never truly repair what they broke. At least your true friends can see you.

Am I Ever Enough? For Anyone?... Replaced Y/N x Bullies Dangan + Obey meWhere stories live. Discover now