Dream sans haters, go f yourself<3

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I can go days on an on abt how much I hate Dream haters for their stupid reasons of hating Dream. They always deny the fact that Dream did NOTHING AT ALL and was innocent. Most of these ppl are Nightmare simps, stans, obsessed bitches. Like leave Dream alone and continue with licking Nightmare posters.

Like ya'll be saying Dream never cared for his brother and that he supported the bullying, BRO WHATS YOUR SOURCE, THE FUCKING FANDOM?! Everything gets stereotyped in there bro😭

Ya'll needa accept the fact that both Nightmare AND Dream have suffered. Nightmare was bullied physically while Dream was getting used by the villagers to make him do everything they ask - no - DEMAND him to do. May I remind your little brain that Dream was still 3-6 years old at the time? They made Dream do things he couldn't handle, telling him his only purpose was to aid them in everything. Imagine being a little kid and getting told you're basically useless if you don't help everyone and do as everyone says? Yes, pretty dark shit. 

Dream couldn't even act like himself and show his true feelings, after all he was obligated to be the 'guardian of positivity' and to be happy and sunshines all the time. He canonically went off crying deep in the woods for long times. 

let's also add the fact he had to see his brother die, get turned into stone for years, had to train heavily with a bitch of a guardian (Lanny). He's technically still mentally 6 y/o since he had to grow up so fast andhad no time for an actual childhood, even after being freed. He and Nightmare never had a childhood to begin with, and while Nightmare ended it all, Dream HAD to keep on living for his title as positive guardian. 

Anyway, fuck you Dream haters who hate on him 'cause you think he never cared for his brother. Dream's brother was the world to him, and seeing him basically kill himself at young age is traumatizing for anyone. 

Hate dump, rant etc etc abt Sans Aus stuff y'know😍😋Where stories live. Discover now