Friends problems lolololol

19 1 2

(Mentioned Eating Disorder)

So like, my friend recently kinda said that I'd most likely weight more than 80 kilograms if I were to weight myself and that hurt pretty bad- lol. And then one of my friend compared me to a cow- twice💀

I've had pretty bad self-worth problems and that just kinda tops it ngl. When my friends try to tickle me I get pretty anxious since it's always near my belly y'know. So I often just cover myself up with a thick jacket. Anyway- I guess they don't really realize it hurts a lot. I myself try to think about what I'm gonna say to them. I'd never even dare to call them fat or anything of that. And it's pretty awkward to point out that their words hurt y'know. But yh- whatever. 

All that could really happen is that I'll starve myself again and be on the verge of having an ED😀 yh that's pretty bad and I'm not in the mood for that anyway💀 

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