Can i come..

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After all the craziness was over with, Wednesday, Enid, And the rest of the students walked in the school. Everyone immediately started praising Wednesday's name for saving the school "WEDNESDAY..WEDNESDAY!"

Wednesday's POV:
I hate the loud noice of everyone chanting my name it was like a bunch of needles stabbing me over and over again usually i would enjoy stabbing someone over and over but this was just inconvenient.

Authors POV:
Addams starts looking around and couldn't seem to find Enid anywhere. She starts walking around the crowds trying to find the walking glitter bomb of a person. Something catches Wednesday's eyes, it was Enid she was walking upstairs to the dorms. She quickly picked up her pace and started speed walking to their dorm Wednesday yelled "ENID!" Enid turns around still being covered only with a jacket. "Oh. Hey Wednesday! I'm just going to our dorm to change out of this jacket and I'm going to start packing."  She responded to Wednesday.

Enid's POV:
I'm hurting everywhere. My body is aching from that battle with Tyler I wanted to slip away from Wednesday and blend in with the crowd so she wouldn't see me like this. Ever since she hugged me back I felt like she didn't need to worry about me because I saw she was in even more pain, But how did she find me so fast? Was she looking for me? If she was why did she bother to look for me? I don't really know but I'm just going to pretend that I'm okay and just going to pack.

Authors POV:
Wednesday felt something was off but she decided not to ask about it. "Okay i will join you, before everything else starts bleeding from all the noise." Enid felt uneasy about Wednesday coming with her but didn't stop her from coming. "Wens.." Enid says as they reach their dorm. Wednesday looks at Enid signifying that Enid has her attention "W-Why did you hug me back.." Wednesday wasn't shocked at this question, she let out a sigh and opened the door to their dorm. "I returned the physical touch because it felt needed" Enid walks in the dorm her side as halfway destroyed from the fire.

Enid's POV:
SHIT! My bed looks like someone's casket, My shoes look like they got roasted in a camp fire, and OMG MY CLOTHES!! All that was left was my stuffed animals and one pair of clothes that was in Wednesday's closet. I feel like I want to faint!

Authors POV:
"WHYYY!" Enid screams while dropping to the floor and covering her face with her hands. Wednesday picked her up and walked over to her closet and took out Enids crop top and shorts. "Sinclair we will all be leaving tomorrow but for now wear this" Wednesday said while holding up the items. "Why did all my stuff get roasted and your side just went untouched?" Enid asked. Wednesday just went to the bathroom and put the clothes on the counter "Go take a shower" she told Enid. Enid didn't argue she went into the bathroom but as she try's to undress she whimpers because of all her wounds.

Wednesdays POV:
I need to start writing this before I return to my family's house in the morning. I can't think about what happened because my mind is stuck on Enid. I don't understand this feeling in my stomach it feels like a pit forming. But the way Enid hugged me.. so tight, so warm, and so.. WEDNESDAY! Fix your mind Enid is a walking rainbow, an annoying little puppy.

Authors POV:
While Wednesday is trying to get Enid out of her mind she hears Enid's whimpers from the bathroom. She stands up from her typewriter and knocks on the door "Enid are you alright" Wednesday says in her monotone voice. "Uh-eh I'm fine Wens" Enid stumbles on the floor and she starts crying. Wednesday hears the thump and starts to open the door she sees Enid on the floor and sees her wounds. Her eyes widen and helps Enid up as she starts helping her undress and get in the shower. After that Wednesday helps her dress no words were said the whole time until they got out of the bathroom. "Enid sleep in my bed i will sleep on the floor" Wednesday said while setting up blankets on the floor. "Wens.. can I come."  Enid asks "What do you mean Enid" Wednesday confused stands up from the floor looking at Enid,but Enid is looking to the floor "Can i come sleep with you.. p-please" Wednesday didn't question but agreed "If you touch me I will dismember you" Enid lifted her head happy to hear those words she lays down and so does Wednesday. Enid falls asleep fast but is whimpering and crying in her sleep Wednesday couldn't sleep because of this. She lays on her back turning her head to look at enid and seconds seconds later enid shifts her body and starts cuddling Wednesday.

Wednesdays POV:
I am being embraced by an ignorant puppy how fun. I want to slip away from her grip but her whining has stopped and something inside me wants me to stay here, cuddle her, and kiss her. God what the fuck am I thinking me and Enid will never happen she has Ajax and she loves him.

And with that Wednesday drifts asleep

This is my first story and I'm a big shipper of Wenclair and I wanted to make a version where you get to see where it all began hope you enjoyed!

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