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Enid had woken up with Wednesday not in the bed. She jumped up frantically and started to search for her lover, yelling for her lover. She looked at the bathroom door to see the light on, a sigh of relief came out of the wolfs mouth before walking to the bathroom door and knocking ever so slightly. She called out "Wednesday?"

Enid started to get worried with the no response then opened up the door (which was unlocked). She looked over to the tub to see Wednesday curled up in a fetal position, sniffling, and worst of all not with Enid. The young wolf ran to her eyes wide.

"Wednesday?! What's wrong? What happened?"

Enid was completely confused, remembering last night they were perfectly fine. Wednesday cling onto Enid like her life depended on it. She started sobbing in her chest. The taller girl was heart broken at the loud sobs of her girlfriend, she had to say something, anything to help.

"Shh shh it's ok it's ok"

She wasn't going to push the girl to say anything, but instead Wednesday spoke herself. Between sobs she told Enid.

"E-Enid. I-I.... What did I do wrong"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Do you not want to make love to me.."

"WHAT- no no that's not."


Wednesday pushed Enid away from the tub and stands up grabbing the towel hanging right next to her. Wrapping her body with it before shoving Enid out of her way to go into the room.

"Wait Wednesday wait please"


"Wednesday listen to me" Enid slowly walked toward but the goth stepped away.

"Look I was planning to tell you over a really nice date but I guess this is going to have to do *a sigh comes out of the girls mouth before continuing* I'm so so sorry Wednesday. I love you so much and yes I REALLY want to have sex with you but I just can't- can't..."

"You can't have sex with me because you are cheating on me with someone named BLAKE??"


"I would never invade your personal space but I did see a message from Blake this morning."

"That bitch I'm going to block her right now. But before that Wednesday, I love you *enid walks closer to Wednesday* I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. I would never cheat on you ever-"

"Then why won't you have sex with me, I know I said I don't want to force you but I don't understand why we were so close yesterday and you just tell me 'I'm not ready' then in the morning I see a text from some girl?"

Enid sighed and looked over to her phone, if that little device was going to be the reason Wednesday thought she wasn't faithful. Then she was going to have to get rid of it. She walked over to her phone, grabbed it, then proceeded to exit out of the huge window. She forgot everything about her blogs and anything else that was on the phone, even all her picture with her friends. Wednesday followed soon and asked her "what are you doing out here?"
Enid just looked at her before throwing her phone as far as she could away from the two.

The shorter girl was in total shock. That was Enids everything, her interest in the latest gossip was all there, her photos, her whole social life was at stake for what she had just done. Wednesday walked over to the edge in disbelief. Looking back at enid and then at the direction she had thrown her phone which was no longer in sight. While she was busy trying to comprehend what just happened she felt two arms wrap around her waist. Then a face buried in her neck as Enid breathed basking in the girls scent.

"Why.." Wednesday asked. Then Enid's face was no longer in the crook of her neck but now her chin resting on her shoulder.

"I did that because it was something in our way. I never want to make you feel like I'm being unfaithful to you or our relationship, because Wednesday like I said a billion times before I love you so so so very much."

she straightens her back and the hands on Wednesdays waists turn her lover around so then going be face to face

"If proving and showing you that I love you more than anyone or anything is throwing my phone off the balcony or even fighting more monsters than the Hyde all at once then so be it. Because with you Wednesday I am complete and do not need anyone else other than you." Enid said with her eyes not leaving the pair of eyes right in front of her.

Wednesday was about to speak before enid placed a finger on her mouth speaking once again.

"And the reason why that stupid girl texted me was because she thought I was hot and asked if I wanted to meet up at one in the morning but I told her no because I was sleeping with you. Wait don't speak yet, also the reason why I haven't fucked you yet is that my mother already does not approve of me because trans and i am so sorry that I kept this from you. I just really didn't want to disappoint her but when I saw how angry you were in there I knew it didn't matter so that's why I chucked my phone across half the campus." Enid left out a wet chuckle. Oh she was crying and didn't even notice.

Wednesdays hand came up to wipe the tears falling from her lovers eyes. Enid had thrown her phone for her. It might not be the most romantic thing but it was for Wednesday. She let an 'I love you too enid' by getting on her tippy toes and kissing the blonde. Enids inner wolf howled as she kissed Wednesday.

Their little kiss had become slightly well out of hand. The goth slipped her tongue past those pink lips to explore the blondes mouth just like previous times. Few seconds past before enid picked wednesday up and brought her back inside. They continued their heated make out session, moving towards the bed, pulling off clothes and taking off their limited sleep wear. Until the made it to the bed where wednesday pushed Enid on first then climbed on top. They were fully naked and enids dick was on display, the brunette haired girl looked at the large member as of it was something she wanted to devour. Enids eyes met Wednesdays and the two looked at each other with such lust the shorter girl couldn't take it.

"Enid. Do you want-"

Without being able to finish the question she was yet again connected to Enids lips. She sunk into it, loving how Enid tasted but soon was cut short when the wolf pulled away and said

"I want this but I have to warn you. I have a knot since I'm a werewolf so we need condoms or you need to be on some birth control if I do cum in you. But since we have neither of those, then I'll just pull out. So finally. Do you want this Wednesday" she looked in her eyes just like on the balcony.

Addams always get what they wanted and now Wednesday was going to get what she desperately needed.

so as you probably know there's going to be smut next chapter. I really hope you guys like this one! I appreciate the people who are still reading this and ya! Thank youuu and brace yourself for the next chapter...

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