Season 2 - Part 8

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or The Boys so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Some time would pass as everyone made it back to the hideout at night, Izuku explaining to the others what happened at the tower and Lamplighter's fate.

Mother's Milk: What the fuck?! All you guys had to do was watch Lamplighter!

Izuku: We couldn't just leave Annie at Vought's mercy!

Mother's Milk: Good for you! And because of that stunt of yours, Lamplighter's dead!

Tsutsumi: Lamplighter got himself killed attacking Endeavor's youngest, this isn't on us!

They argued with M.M while Mallory was on the phone informing Butcher of Lamplighter's death, considering he was supposed to be a witness at the upcoming hearing in Congress.

But Butcher calmly assures Mallory that another will take Lamplighter's place.

We now skip to the next day with Izuku, Hughie, Butcher, Frenchie, Mother's Milk, Kimiko, Tsutsumi, Annie and Donna took their seats either on the sofa or the floor with the television on as the hearing was about to begin.

They could see many people gathered in the room, politicians, reporters, Congresswoman Victoria Neuman, Grace Mallory, Vought Director of Talent Relations Ashley Barrett and even a few supes; Shockwave, Stormfront, Queen Maeve and Homelander.

Victoria Neuman: The testimony we're about to hear today will prove that Vought is guilty of corporate malfeasance and multiple felonies. And it will come from someone that has witnessed these crimes directly.

Richardson: The chair calls former CSO of Vought, Doctor Jonah Vogelbaum.

He said as the doors opened, revealing Vogelbaum entering the room in an electric wheelchair, courtesy of Butcher.

Everyone in the room began to talk amongst themselves looking towards him while Homelander was frozen, not expecting to see his "old friend" again.

Richardson: Okay. Quiet down, everyone. Quiet.

He said, the crowd slowly going silent as Homelander and Vogelbaum briefly exchanged a look before averting their gazes at one another.

Izuku could tell that Homelander looked uncomfortable to be in the same room with Vogelbaum.

Butcher: Got you, cunt.

Richardson: Doctor Vogelbaum. Thank you for joining us today. Raise your right hand.

He said as the now retired CSO of Vought did as he was told.

Richardson: Do you swear that the testimony you're about to give today will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Vogelbaum: I do.

Richardson: Thank you. You have five minutes to make your opening-

The man was instantly cut off as his head suddenly exploded.

Most of the boys screamed as did everyone in the room of the hearing when this happened.

But it wasn't long after when Vogelbaum went next, his head exploded as the people continued to scream.

The crowd then started scrambling to reach the exit, the boys staring at the television in shock as one by one, more and more people's heads were exploding.

Even the speedster Shockwave wasn't safe as his head exploded, his blood and brain matter splattered onto Ashley as she screamed.

The television screen would then cut the feed displaying "technical difficulties".

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