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???? POV

It's been about 10 years and I'm getting grey hairrrr *whine* I'm only 26 dammit, I know I'm becoming older and it was inevitable but still, I'm only 26!!, I don't need all this grey hair

"Shi-gegeeeeee!!!" when I heard the cheerful yell, I woke up and turned my head to see who it was, rubbing my eyes

Looking at where the voice came from while sitting under one of the trees a few Li's away from our small "village" that me and my new found family slowly built

The tree I sat under gave the right amount of shade

Thanks to lord rain master, she very generously even sent some people to teach us how to farm properly a few years ago

Another person I'm eternaly indebted to

I looked up and a big smile wedged it self on my face,"Hiii a-qing!!!, Banyue?, Pei xiu?, What brings you here?" I asked as the trio walked over to me

A-qing was to say the least the oddest yet most 💕adorable💕 child I have ever seen

She has dark brown skin, the shade of mid-spring time tree bark, with patches of really light shades here and there like desert sand, her ears were slightly pointed on the tips curving towards the clouds

Reminding me a bit of Hua Chengzhu and a few other demons ears, she has no Demonic Qi or anything that screams or silently screams Demon!! or Ghost!!

Her hair was just the cutest, it was very curly and just the wildest hair you'll ever see, the colour was pitch black like ink, her eyes were a beautiful obsidian colour

she was found near the shores of one of the rivers on some make shift wood boat, when banyue and pei xiu were fetching water for me two years ago, we asked His Highness if there was anything unusual about her other than her appearance, he found nothing, we were able to find her age tho, she was 3 at the time, now she's 5 and healthily running everywhere

"Good afternoon, shi qingxuan" banyue gave me a small bow

"Greetings lor-, shi qingxuan" pei xiu following suit, I pretended to not notice the slip up,"We wanted to visit you and qingting"

"A-qing, made this" a-qing said skipping over and dropped next to me, she then settled a flower crown on my head

"Thank you a-qing, it's very lovely" I gave her a cheeky grin and she gave me one back, her canines and dimples standing out, I patted her head

Me and the trio sat there for awhile and when it was getting late we started heading back

"Shi-...jie..jie?" A-qing said in a hesitate voice I look down at her as she held my hand, peering at me with her puppy dog eyes and I knew exactly what she wanted

*sigh*,"How about after dinner, how does that sound?" she gave me a big happy smile

As we got near the village our coversation was cut short when we heard yelling and screaming

I picked up a-qing with my good arm and put her in banyues arms, "Banyue!!, go take a-qing and run!"

"But I can figh-"

"No!, listen to me and go report to one of the sects nearby"


"Go!" With reluctance banyue adjusted a-qing and ran, I could hear a-qing yelling

When I knew they were safe I ran (wobbled) as fast as I could with pei xiu in toe passing the running villagers

"Pei xiu, if the situation gets dire, I want you to run" pei xiu looked at me in suprise but still nodded hesitantly

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