Discussion Conference 5.5

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Mingjue POV

"Hello Fuqin, ¹muqin" I went up to muqin and gave her a hug she gave one back

(¹:Muqin)-(Mother)-(Chinese simplified)

She beamed at me and the others "Hello a-jue, hello-"

"Acho!" Huaisang rubbed his nose and that's when we realized Yueliang was still in a bowing position

"Oh deary no need to stay in that uncomfortable position" yueliang looked up at madam nie and rose adjusting her hold on huaisang

After doing that both ladies looked up at me, heping with a small smile and lightly put her hand on the side of my head just below the injury "Oh, a-jue, are you okay? That was a nasty hit"

Fuqin came up behind her putting his arm around her shoulder and a hand on mine "Don't try lying and play it off, we both know that disciple has a lot of potential, especially since she was able to knock you out"

"I promise you two" I moved her hand into mine and squeezed in a reassuring jester "I'm okay, healer Zhong said that I'll make a full recovery and that I should rest for the next couple days as a precaution"

"That's a relief" she turned to a-yue and held her hand "Thank you for taking care of my a-jue"

Yueliang face became a bit pink "I-it was nothing, I was just doing my job"

"Ahem-" I held my arm out for Madam nie after getting her attention fuqin grabbed huaisang from a-yue

"Oh yes deary" she turned to a-yue "Zhong Ping is in his study"

"Ah-, thank you for telling me" she bowed both hands extended, "Please excuse me then" she left down the opposite way we were going

When she was out of sight and ear shot muqin spoke "I like her, when are you going to marry her a-jue?"

"MUQIN!!" my face felt hot and I turned from her

"Hahaha, I'm sorry mingjue but I agree with my heping" he said but then said seriously "Mingjue do you remember what we were talking about in my study" I thought about it and it hit me

"The Discussion Conference!, that's in two weeks" Madam nies birthday is a few days after it, we all sat down, the servants brought the food out, I was hopping Yueliang would've came to eat with us

"Yes, it will be at lotus pier this year, the next conference will be held by us" he downed his drink, Madam nie filled it it up after he put it down, as always there's an empty spot next to Fuqin and Muqin for ²a-niang

(²:A-niang)-(mother)-(Chinese simplified)

I remember it very well, I had to plan my first conference by myself that year

"Fuqin" he looked up from his food signalling for me to continue "You told me that they wanted to do something different this year, what was it?"

"Yes yes, we didn't get that far did we" he wiped his mouth with a cloth then continued, "They have requested both the small and big sects bring there heir or heirs this year if they are comfortable with it"

"Why do you think they requested such a thing" I looked over at huaisang and he seemed more concerned about his food than what was being discussed

"I don't know but I think this will be a good experience for huaisang if he chooses to go" he took a bite of his food while Madam nie filled a cup and set it on the empty seat beside her

"Why do you think that Fuqin?"

"Remember when I forced you to go the one from a few years ago?"

"Yes I do...that's where I met Lan Xichen" he made a jester like I just proved his point which I did

"Yes exactly, we raised smart boys my dear, HAHAHAHA" he turned towards muqin and wrapped his arm around her

After thinking about it...all these things didn't happen, the Qi detination, me getting injured, the heirs going to the lotus pier conference

'Just what the hell is going on?'

I looked over at huaisang, he was looking at Fuqin and Madam nie, then looked over at me motioning to the cat next to muqin with his eyes

She was playing with it using a long grass swishing it around, when she looked at us the cat looked directly at me with a "I'll tell you later look", then went back to playing with the grass when Muqin turned back

'What the hell?'

After dinner, in the bed chambers

"Mind explaining?" Huaisang hopped off my back inyo iida with the cat and the cat hopped out of his arms over to the chairs

"I said I would finish explaining later" A whirl of thin red and white petals, the petals and fragrance disappearing after the "Yin" creature from the strange place, emerged from the whirl

She smiled "Hello young masters, Shall we take a seat?"

With Sect Leader Nie and Madam Nie

"I don't know Fēngmì do you really think it's a good idea to bring huaisang?" Heping looked up from her spot on the bed in her night attire, long hair pulled to the side "We could keep him here with ping or I could stay in the Inn"

"It will be fine my dear, both of us will be there watching them, besides what you said all those other times is true" he sat next to her grasping her hand and kissed it

Heping raised an eye brows"And what is that?"

"That they should talk to kids there age and this isn't just to establish connections but for them to be kids while they still can" he engulfed her in his arms "I want Mingjue to be a kid while he still can, we both know I don't have much time"

She wrapped her arms around his neck "We'll find a way, I already lost Xue-xue I'm not losing you too" tears welled up in her eyes

"We'll find a way my dear heping"

A women in plain but exquisite black and white robes with a unique Yin-Yang symbol on the back and a smaller version on the front left side

She walked the halls of the Wen Sect

"Sect Leader Wen is not seeing any visitors so please turn back Sect Leader!!" The woman turned her head towards the young disciple an anger was ignited in her eyes, but that wasn't directed at the innocent disciple

They shrunk back under her gaze even knowing this

In a steady voice she said "I'm here upon the request of Sect leader Wens Mother and brother, I also have an urgent message and package to give him" she continued walking

The young disciple gave up, shrinking into the shadows

The woman knocked lightly a few times on the door of the notorious Sect leader Wen bed chamber before kicking it down

Thick heavy tenderals of resentful energy came from the room, she put her arm over her face, the room felt suffocating

"WEN RUOHAN" The man in question turned towards her in a daze "JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!"


I'm back my beautiful and handsome Xiǎo tīngzhòngs, I hope your having a wonderful night, day, Noon or Afternoon wherever you are in the world

If you have or haven't noticed I went back and did a little bit of editing

This chapter is more so a filler chapter so like a 5.5, the next one will be the trip to lotus pier and our dear qingting will appear

Welp if you have any questions, criticism, or advice please feel free to comment or message me directly in wattpad

Bye my Xiǎo tīngzhòngs have a good overall day or night

Published:8/27/2023, 16:34

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