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Nie Mingjue

*Grunt*, "What the Hell!!" Where the hell am I?! All I remember is......

'That damn Meng yao, what the hell did he do!!'

I got up and dusted myself of, looking around a little bit, all I saw was a vast sea of green-


I turned to the source of noise an- "oof-, who the he-" I landed on my back and after I saw him I was even more confused

"I'm sorry, I'm sor" *hic* "ry, I should've *sniff* "listened, I'll listen to you for now on, just don't" *hic* "leave me again" It was a-sang, I wrapped my arms around his sobbing, shaking figure and pulled him in closer

"It's okay, a-sang" I patted his head as I waited for him to calm down

'What exactly happened?'

A few minutes passed before he actually calmed down, couple sniffs here and there, after that he sat up, eyes red and puffy with snot running down

It felt like we were kids again

A few moments passed before I sensed the other presence move and looked over, it was a little girl with a purple and blue dress and a half black & white mask

She handed me a cloth, I eyed her but feelt no ill intent and took the cloth, I started wiping his face, after examining it, when I was done she took the cloth and it burst into flames in her palm

"Who are you?" I asked after standing up with huaisang and backed away just a bit, shelding him behind me

"I'm sorry for the unexpected visit Sect Leader Nie" she bowed semi-low and stayed there, "This one goes by many names but you can call this one Yin if it isn't to troublesome, I just wanted to talk with you and Second Young Master Nie" she stayed in that position even after she was done talking

Before I spoke huaisang went infront of me "You may stand" she stood up and then motioned to the table, huaisang held my arm and started dragging me to the table and sat down, following behind us was the strange creature called "Yin"

Huaisang started putting desserts on a plate infront of him, the girl infront of us poured tea into a cup and handed it to him, he bowed his head in thanks and was about to drink it til I put my hand over it, stopping him

"What do you think your doing?" He looked up at me with a confused face "You don't go accepting drinks and food from complete strangers" He set the cup down and looked up at me with a smile

"But da-ge" his smile was strained and his voice- "You can't poison someone who's already dead" his words shocked me and I moved my hand, he picked up his cup and drank the tea, "The teas aroma is pleasant to the nose and not overwhelming it's also very flavourful and sweet" I sat there in stund silence

The girl looked uncomfortable, bitting her lip a bit but continued talking to huaisang as if it was a normal day

"It's a mix of peaches, green tea, lemon juice, mint leaves, and honey" she seemed very excited and proud, "My right hand lady made this for us along with the pastries, all from scratch" she went on a rant about how her right hand lady harvested all the necessary ingredients for making this to how she got her hands on good quality honey, which was also hand picked by her

I couldn't take it anymore, *SLAM* "JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" I had enough of this

'How are we here if we're dead, why is huaisang here looking like he did when he was studying at cloud recess, and why don't I remember anything after passing out, what did that damn meng yao do'

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