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3rd POV

".......Yueliang" Mingjue just stared at her face as she did the same, while wiping the tears away with her thumb



"Ahem-, Young master Nie, how are you feeling?"

*Squeak!* Yueliang let go of his face and went to go get the basin of water and herbs on the table, her head ducked down, face heating up

*Fake As- cough* Mingjues face was also red as a tomato as he realized that Zhong Ping, Yueliang Father, was also there, "I-" *wince* the pain had suddenly settled in full force "Feel like my head is gonna split, Healer Zhong"

"That's to be expected young master, you were hit pretty hard, im suprised you didn't feel the pain as soon as you woke up" Zhong Ping said walking "Follow my finger, young master Nie"

"What exactly happened?" Mingjue asked as he did what ping asked

"Pupils apear normal" the healer started to unwrap the gauze on mingjues head to examine the injury "One of the junior disciples had a Minor Qi deviation and went on a rampage" they signaled Yueliang over with the basin, "Clean the wound and then apply the salve" *clears throat* "You wer-"

*Thump thump thump*

"Hmm?" Loud thuds and voices could be heard from the hallway

Along with a small child-like "Com'on tiny legs I know you can do it!!"

"Second Master!!"

"Please slow down!!"

"Where did he go?"

"Good grief" Zhong Ping let his head fall into his hand as the door flew open


A tiny blur raced to the bed "Da-ge!!" A tiny Huaisang launched themselves at mingjues stomach

"Oof-" huaisang looked up at him face puffed out, tears rolling down his face and snot running, not long after, servants began to come in apologizing

"We're so sorry Healer Zhong"

"We- *pant* tried to stop him, Oohhh- my leg!😓"

"Are you okay da-ge?" Huaisang asked quietly, his voice was high and child like

"I'm okay, huaisang" he patted huaisangs head as he calmed down, Yueliang picking him up when he finally agreed to let go

"Again we're sorry to disturb, Healer Zhong, Young master Nie, and Lady Zhong" the servants bowed, the head servant went over to Huaisang in Yueliang arms

"Second Young Master Nie, please don't run off again, you nearly gave us heart attacks" Mingjue tilted his head and looked at huaisang, the latter gave a sheepish smile and buried his face in Yueliang shoulder trying to hide himself

"Now that things are straightened out, you may all go, you can also leave the second young master here, I'm sure he was just worried for his brother" he gave them a reassuring smile as they all teared up in appreciation, bowed then left

"Now that that's out of the way, please continue, What the he-, ahem-, sorry What happened healer Zhong?" Yueliang finished cleaning huaisangs face, he fell asleep on the big chair with a black and white cat curled up beside him, tail swishing back and forth

"Please turn towards me Young master" He did as he was told she gently adjusted his head and continued to clean the wound

"Please continue Healer Zhong" his face felt very hot at the moment but didn't know why

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