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Nie huaisang POV

"I'M BORED" I yelled while looking at the ceiling

It's been several years since wei gongzi came back, I got my revenge, I feel bad for Xichen-ge but my satisfaction for getting my revenge out wayed that feeling

I think I'm around forty, maybe fifty years old not very old for a cultivator, but alas I'm on my death bed

I would've took my own life a long time ago but the guilt of ruining the sect that da-ge and ¹Fùqīn cared deeply just didn't sit right and so after getting my revenge, I was able to restored it somewhat to it's former glory in the background

After that I slowly started drinking a poison with no ones knowledge except my one and only ²Tiānshǐ, they were the one helping me have a "painless death" in his words by doing this, after much convincing on my end

(¹:Fùqīn-Father)-(Chinese simplified)

(²Tiānshǐ-Angel)-(Chinese simplified)

'At least I was able to do that'

*knock knock*

"If it's about the new disciples I don't want to hear it" I heard the door open and a familiar voice

"Damn, what stick do you hav-" *slap*

"Shut up before I break your legs" I whipped my head at the door and saw Wei Wuxian & Jiang Wanyin standing there, Jiang wanyin with his signature scowl and wei wuxian with his playful smirk

"What brings you guys here- ack-" I tried to get up but slipped and almost tumbled out of bed, Fortunately they caught me and helped me sit against the head board

"Idiot!! becareful" Jiang wanyin scolded while putting some pillows behind me

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I really didn't" I looked at them carefully

Wei wuxian had a few strands of grey but still had a youthful appearance, Jiang wanyin also had grey strands woven in his braids, but a bit more I think cause of his sect duties that stressed him out

But there was a new accessory in his hair, a purple lotus hair pin.....simple yet beautiful

'So that's why you asked for grandma Huābàn, Xichen-ge'

I hid a smile behind my sleeve

"Ha ha ha, still the same headshaker it seems" wei wuxian said

Jiang wanyin just shook his head and looked at me seriously,"What's your plans for the sect" I knew what he meant

"As you know Ouyang Zizhen was announced not long ago as the official heir and sect leader as of early spring" I took a sip of water, the other two waiting patiently,"I know it was unexpected but I had planned it from the beginning after his birth"

"WHAT!!, Why didn't you ever mention this!?" I again put my hand up for them to calm down, once they did I explained

"I made a deal with the previous Ouyang Sect Leader, Zizhen grandfather and his grandmother, I take Zizhen as my secret heir and train him in return we help them financially, till zizhen turned 10"

"But why the Ouyang sect?" Jiang Wanyin asked arms cross

"Ouyang zhen was a very close friend of Fuqin, and he was there for us when he died, he and lan Qiren helped da-ge when things got to stressful, he knew I didn't want to produce an heir after I took over the sect and so he helped me, he almost did it free of charge til I persuaded him, seeing how he was struggling, you get the gist" the two looked at eachother then back and just nodded

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