The beginning of the end

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Dorian - Thanks for the food, grandma. I'm headed out to see Luna now.

As Dorian was walking, he accidentally bumped into Karmine Grace. He noticed that both Karmine and his brother had swords with them, as if they were ready for a fight.

Karmine - Move out of the way, Dorian.

(It looks like these guys are looking for trouble, but I don't want to cause any problems for my grandma.)

Cop - Is there a problem here?

Dorian - No, everything's fine.

Karmine - Then get out of our way!

Dorian - I'll see you later, Karmine.

Karmine - We'll definitely meet again.

(I can't help but wonder where those guys are headed, all worked up like that. It's not really my problem, though. I need to get going or I'll be late for my meeting with Luna. She's waiting for me.)

Dorian arrives at the top of a cliff, offering a breathtaking view of the forest to the north. Lunadea is already there, standing calmly and taking in the scenery with a serene expression in her eyes.

Dorian - Wow, this is beautiful!

Lunadea - It's pretty cool, isn't it? You see over there? That's where my village is, but you can't see it because it's hidden from the world.

Dorian - Luna, I'm sorry...

Lunadea - My dream is to cut down all those trees so I can see the village from up here and the world can see it too. I want to be the next king.

Dorian - That's a good dream...

Lunadea - You're the first person I've shown this place to and told my dream to.

Dorian - Is it? Why me?

Lunadea - I don't know... it just felt right.

(At that moment Luna turns around facing me, her bright smile made me feel like i never felt before, like the whole world was at my feet.)

Lunadea - Oh shoot! I forgot, I need to prepare tea for my mom. Do you want to come with me?Dorian - Sure, let's go.

As they arrived at Lunadea's house, they were confronted with the horror that was unfolding there. The house was on fire, and Lunadea's mother was outside with her clothes torn and the Grace brothers standing nearby, threatening the villagers.

With tears in her eyes Lunadea runs thowrds the brothers.

Dorian - Luna, stop!

Cop - The Dämoneneko w****?! What are you going to do? Oh, I know! You'll die!

Dorian sprinted towards them, determined to reach them before it was too late. Despite being significantly faster than anyone else, he barely managed to intervene as Cop was about to strike Luna with his sword and Luna was about to touch Cop's face.

Cop - Yes, good one Dorian. Help your little Dämoneneko pet. But what now? Oh, I know, lets r*** her just like we did her mother.

Luna's face was expressionless as she swiftly grabbed Cop's sword with one hand. With the other hand, the one that Dorian had grabbed, she released flames that burned Dorian's hand and Cop's face. Cop was screaming in agony, pleading for his brother to come to his aid.

Cop - Brother! Brother help me!

But his cries were abruptly silenced when Lunadea expertly sliced through his neck, causing Cop to fall to the ground motionless. With everyone in shock, Lunadea turned her attention to Karmine, who was trembling with fear and begging for forgiveness. But Lunadea was unyielding, and with a flick of her hand, she released flames from her palm and imbued the sword she had taken from Cop with fiery power, turning it into a sword of flames.

No one could move, no one could stop her as Lunadea wielded her fiery sword. With a single swing, she struck down Karmine, who collapsed to the ground as the others watched in stunned silence. Selene's voice rose in desperation as she yelled

Selene - Luna! You have to stop!

Luna, horrified by her actions, dropped the weapon and started shaking. She rushed back to her mother, frantically asking,

Lunadea - Mom, are you all right?

Selene's body was marked with bruises and scratches from struggling against her attackers.

Dorian - Luna, let's get Selene to the village. I know a guy who can help her and...

Lunadea - Leave!

Dorian - What?

Lunadea - Leave, Dorian. Now. Can't you see what your kind has done to my mom?

Dorian - But... We... I...

Lunadea - My mom and this house are all I have! EVERYTHING! Just go, and don't come back.Tears flowed down Luna's face as she screamed at Dorian, and he was at a loss for words.

Dorian turned and left, his heart was with sorrow and guilt when he gets approched by another Dämoneneko.

Dämoneneko Chief - Listen, Dorian. I'm the village chief of this village, and I'm asking for your help. Can you do me a huge favor?

Dorian - What is it?

Dämoneneko Chief - Please tell your village that it was all a huge mistake. If they come here, we're going to get killed. And if we run, we'll lose everything we've built. Please, Dorian. I'll give you anything you want if you can help us.

Dorian - I'll see what I can do.

Dämoneneko Chief - Thank you, Dorian. Thank you so much. Selene, we need to talk about this. We have to find a way to resolve this peacefully.

As Dorian returns to the village, he notices a group of villagers armed with torches, swords, bows, and armor. Among them is the village chief.

Chief Grace - Dorian, are you coming from the Dämoneneko village? Did my sons ask you for help first?

Dorian -Chief Grace? I don't know what are you talking about. Where are you guys going? Old man Roc? Frank? You are here too? Where are you guys going all armed?

Old man Roc - Haven't you heard? Karmine found a village full of Dämonenekos and now we're going to attack them.

Dorian - And?

Chief Grace - What do you mean, and, boy? We're going to kill them. They're Dämonenekos. My sons wanted to play with them for a little bit, so they told me to come later.

From the north, a group of Dämoneneko villagers appear, with Lunadea and Selene standing in between them.

Dämoneneko Chief - Chief Grace, I understand that you're angry with us for the lives we've taken. I propose a bargain: in exchange for the two lives we've taken, we offer these two lives.

Lunadea - What do you mean? You said we were going to fight them.

Dämoneneko Chief - Fight the humans? With what weapons? What army? Listen here, Lunadea. If we do this, we can remain hidden in the woods and all of us can live. You brought this upon yourselves.

Lunadea - Upon ourselves? These two r**** my mom, burned my house, and tried to kill all of us! And now you're just GIVING US UP?

She screamed until her throat was raw and her voice snapped, the pain and anger emanating from every word..

Chief Grace - You... You did what? You killed my sons?

Dorian - Listen, Chief Grace, it was self-defense. We don't have to do this.

Chief Grace - Get out of my way, Dorian. I'm asking nicely because your grandma is important to the village.

Frank - Yes, Dorian, what are you saying? Are you trying to help them?

Dorian - "Them"? They are good people, Frank, just like you and me.

Old man Roc - "They" are not people, Dorian! What is wrong with you?! They are near our village! They could come at night and kill us all.

Dorian - But they didn't, old man. They stood there in the woods, afraid of all of you.

Chief Grace - I don't care. They killed my sons, so they must die.

Dämoneneko Chief - We didn't! This girl did!

Chief Grace - Then she dies first.

Dorian looks down, appearing deep in thought, as if he were contemplating his next move.

Lunadea - I've had enough of this!

Lunadea drew her sword and ignited it with flames emanating from her palm. Dorian rushed to her, trying to reason with her as quickly as possible.

Dorian - Luna look at me! Look!

Lunadea - Please Dorian, I don't want to hurt you!

Dorian - Luna, you can't kill all the villagers. If you do, you'll become the monster that they say you are. I believe in you. I know you're angry and in pain, but show them that you're not the monster they think you are.

Lunadea - I am the monster they think I am. I killed those guys.

Chief Grace - Prepare to shoot them!

Old man Roc - Wow, Chief, Dorian is there.

Chief Grace - He's chosen his side in this fight. 3... 2... 1... Shoot!

Dorian - You're not a monster, Luna. Your dream is pure, and what you did is understandable. I'm here for you.

The flurry of arrows was about to hit them when Dorian embraced Lunadea, protecting her from the arrows. When they opened their eyes, they saw that none of them were hurt. In front of the arrows stood Lunadea's mother.

Lunadea- Mom?! Why did you do this? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Can you please forgive me?

Selene - There is nothing to forgive, Luna. You are beautiful, my dear daughter. As beautiful as a goddess. You and Dorian are the future, not me. Be a good girl, Lunadea, and cherish your friendship with Dorian. He was willing to die for you.

Dorian - Sorry, Selena. This is all my fault. STOP! This is all my fault! I'll tell you the truth, Chief.

Lunadea is not the monster who killed your sons. I did.

Lunadea - What? Stop... Dorian, what are you saying?

Dorian - I had an affair with the woman you just killed. Your sons saw me with her one day, and you know they didn't like me. So today, they wanted to make me suffer. When I arrived at the village, your sons were raping my lover, so in anger, I killed them. If you let the Dämonenekos leave , I'll come in quietly. There's no need for more bloodshed. They even showed loyalty when they gave up two of their own as a sign of peace. Please, give them a few days to regroup and leave somewhere else..

Old man Roc - Chief, the kid is strong. He's fast as lightning and he can strike us all down. Not even you stand a chance against him.

Chief Grace - Pha, your grandma should be ashamed! The son of our village heroes, having an affair with those pigs. Fine! You disgusting Dämonenek pigs, you have 5 days. You'd better all leave by then, and I expect my sons' bodies returned to me at once. Take Dorian and dumb him in the cell.

Dorian turns to Lunadea, smiling

Dorian - Don't worry, Luna. When you become king, you can make me a hero statue.

As the night falls, Dorian looks at the moon rising in the sky. He is in a cell now, awaiting his death, when someone familiar appears.

Grandma- You know, Dorian, you're just like your mother.

Dorian- Grandma! I'm... I'm sorry.

Grandma- She always thought of others and not herself.

Dorian- I always blamed her for that. And look at me now.

Grandma- Listen, all my family is gone. The only thing I have left is this.

She reaches into her pocket and brings out a ring.

Grandma - This was a ring that your grandfather gave me as a wedding gift. I gave it to your mom. This was the only thing the soldiers brought back that day. I'm giving it to you... please don't let them bring it back again.

Dorian- What do you mean?

Then another familiar face appears.

Lunadea- Come on, Dorian. I got the keys from the cell. We need to hurry.

Dorian- Hurry? Where? What's going on? What are you doing here, Luna?

Lunadea- I met your grandma. She reached out to me. She came up with this plan to get you out.

Dorian- I can't leave you, Grandma...

Grandma- You can, and you will. You have to reach your dreams, for your mom, dad, and me.

Dorian- You know?

Grandma- Of course I do. You're my grandson! Now go. Don't worry about me. I'm old and important. They won't lay a finger on me.

Dorian and his grandma have a long and powerful embrace.

Grandma- Dorian.

Dorian - Yes?

Grandma- Promise me you won't let them bring the ring back again.

Dorian- I promise. And thank you. I'll never forget you.

Dorian and Lunadea are leaving the village in a hurry, with the moonlight behind their backs.

Dorian- I think this is far enough. Luna, shouldn't you go back now?

Lunadea- I have nothing to go back to.

Dorian- I'm sorry, Luna.

Lunadea takes a moment to look up at the sky, lost in thought.

Lunadea- I'm the one who's sorry, Dorian. I see that now. You're one of a kind. But you have to promise me something too if we're going to go on this journey together.

Dorian- I'll do my best.

Lunadea- No! You have to promise! You can't put yourself in harm's way for me. Promise me that.

Dorian- Luna... I...

Lunadea- NO! You have to promise!

Dorian- I promise.

Lunadea- Thank you, Dorian.

Torihiki: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now