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Ereadus swung his sword at his own daughter, trying to cut her in half, but Sammy reappeared just in time to deflect the blade. Instead of cutting Mangetsu in half, the sword only managed to slice off one of her fingers. Ereadus grabbed the finger and fled, shouting orders to destroy everyone and summoning hordes of undead from within the castle.

Ereadus - Kill! Kill them all!

More than a hundred undead rose from their graves, ready to do Ereadus's bidding.

Sammy - I'll stop the bleeding, hold still for a moment. Damn, I'm so sorry. I did it again.

Analissa - That old bastard! Here, I'll hold them off until you stop the bleeding, then you can help me defeat them if we want to survive.

Sammy - Get away! Or I'll kill you on the spot!

Mangetsu - Please, mister. Don't be mad. I'll be just fine.

Analissa continued to shield them with her wind until Sammy was ready to fight.

Sammy - Listen here, this time it's a promise of a lifetime. I'll do anything to protect you.

Analissa - Are you going to help?

Sammy - I'm not done with you yet, but for now, for her.

Sammy and Analissa started fighting together against the hoard of undead in the lab.

While Dorian and Lunadea were still fighting the man with the sword and shield, more undead began rising.

Lunadea - What is happening?

Dorian - Something has changed.

Suddenly, Ereadus appeared, shouting for Lian to get out of the way and follow him.

Ereadus - Lian! Get them out of the way and come with me!

The man with the sword and shield charged towards the castle's exit, followed by Ereadus and a horde of undead. All of them seemed to be in a hurry to leave the castle.

Lunadea - Did you see that? It was definitely Ereadus.

Dorian - Yeah, and he had a whole army of undead with him. What happened to Sammy?

Lunadea - You should go and help him. I'll follow Ereadus.

Dorian - No way, I'm coming with you.

Lunadea - Dorian, you gave me your word. Go find out what happend to Sammy. I'll be fine on my own.

Dorian hesitates, clearly worried. But ultimately, he nods and sets off to find Sammy while Lunadea goes after Ereadus.

Sammy and Analissa were struggling to fend off the horde of undead in the labs. Analissa formed a shield of air around Mangetsu while Sammy fought the undead by appearing and disappearing, using his chain to knock them down.

Analissa - There are too many of them! We won't make it, my magic is getting weaker.

Sammy - Just keep the girl protected, I've got this.

Even though Sammy said that, it was clear that using his teleportation magic was taking a toll on him. He was visibly tired.

Analissa - Don't forget about the jar! If the jar gets destroyed, it's all over for me. Please, protect the jar.

Sammy nodded and tried to teleport to the jar to bring it to Analissa, but he was too exhausted to notice the undead throwing a spear at him. Fortunately, Dorian appeared just in time to cut the spear in half before it hit Sammy.

Dorian - Are you alright?

Sammy - You are finaly here? What took you so long?

Dorian - Yea well you didn't give us a choice. What's going on here?

Sammy - We're trying to protect Ereadus's daughter.

Dorian - Ereadus's daughter? He would hurt his own daughter? What kind of maniac is he? I saw him running away with a dozen undead out of the castle.

Sammy - Oh no, the old man! We have to hurry!

Dorian - What? Old man? The mayor? Ereadus is going to the town?

Sammy - Shit, Dorian, we have to kill these undead fast!

Sammy remembered a conversation he had with Ereadus when he was asking for his help.

Ereadus - I need DNA from her family.

Sammy - She didn't have any family.

Ereadus - To bad, kid. I can't do anything without it.

That conversation with Ereadus made Sammy realize what was about to happen, and it was nothing good.

Sammy - Dorian, if we don't make it back to town in time, everything will be destroyed!

Dorian - Why? What's about to happen?

The three of them continued fighting the undead as they tried to make their way back to the town.

The town is in chaos, with people screaming and running in all directions. Some of the villagers have armed themselves and are desperately trying to defend their homes against the undead. At the front of the defense, Ethan and Cornelius are leading the guard, trying to hold back the tide of undead and protect the townspeople. The situation is dire, with the undead relentlessly attacking and the guards barely able to keep up with the defense. It's clear that something needs to be done soon, or the town may be lost forever.

Cornelius - Don't give up! If we protect each other, we will succeed!

Ereadus - Fool until the end Cornelius.

Ereadus, accompanied by another dozen undead and a familiar looking man, makes his way into the town.

Ethan - D...Dad?

Ereadus - Once, maybe. Now he's just my puppet.

Ethan - No, there's no way. He looks just like him...

As the two men stand face to face, swords drawn, Cornelius and Ereadus are now enemies.

Cornelius - What have you done, Ereadus? You were once my friend. We shared a dream together.

Ereadus - Everything has changed, Cornelius. But what do you know about it?

Cornelius - I loved her too, Ereadus. You know that!

Ereadus - She left me! She chose her king before her family. You have no right to tell me what I should do.

Cornelius - Ereadus, you can't destroy everything just because of your own pain. What about the innocent people? That's not how you should remember her.

Ereadus - Shut up! I don't want to remember her. I will kill everything and then I'll help them bring HIM back.

Cornelius - I don't understand... I loved you both...

With tears in his eyes, Cornelius strikes Ereadus, but Ethan's father protects him.

Ereadus - Watch as this world is going to change forever.

As Ereadus held his daughter's finger in his hand, he began to recite the incantation for his resurrection magic. A bright white light burst forth from the ground, and as it dissipated, a beautiful woman appeared, she had a slender and petite figure, but she was robust and strong. She had blue eyes and silver hair, styled in a way that one of her eyes was covered. Her face was imposing but delicate at the same time. She was dressed in shining golden armour and wielding a white icy sword. Her appearance was otherworldly and majestic, the sight of her made everyone present pause in awe. The way she carried herself exuded confidence and power, making her an intimidating but also admirable figure.

Cornelius - Dolla?

It was as if she were alive again, but there was something unsettling about her. The eyes that looked out from under her helmet were empty, lifeless. It was clear that something was wrong, just as it had been with Ethan's father.

Ereadus - See Cornelius! Being obsessed isn't that bad, I did it, look! After experiment after experiment, I found out that if I have a little bit of DNA from a relative, I can bring their soul back. And now I will use Dolla to kill her precious king.

Conrelius - ... Dolla... What has he done to you? ...

Ereadus - Go Dolla! Destroy everything!

As Ereadus spoke, Dolla's eyes flickered with a lifeless glow. She raised her sword and charged at the townspeople. Cornelius watched in horror as his old friend's obsession had led him to bring back the soul of someone he claimed to love, just to use them as a weapon.

When Lunadea arrives in the town, she is greeted by a chaotic scene. The town is in flames, with townspeople running and struggling everywhere. The sun is setting, casting a reddish hue on the scene. The sound of clashing swords and screams fills the air. Lunadea's heart sinks as she realizes the gravity of the situation. She knows she has to do something to help, but she is not sure what she can do against such overwhelming odds.

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