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16 years ago, Dolla's funeral was attended by a large number of people, but after hours and hours had passed, only one person remained at her tombstone. Ereadus stood alone in front of Dolla's tombstone, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

Ereadus - I always thought you were the bravest person alive.

Ereadus choked out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ereadus - You liar... You lied... Why did you have to die? You had so much more to teach me... And I fell for every word... who knew...
I can't even look at our daughter without seeing you in her. I had to lock her away in her own room because of it. What am I supposed to do now, hm? I HATE YOU FOR LEAVING ME! You've changed me... forever.

Ereadus fell to his knees, his fists clenched tightly as he let out a guttural scream of agony and despair. He remained there for hours, until the sun began to set and the shadows grew long. Only then did he rise, his face etched with grief and determination. He knew what he had to do.

Ereadus - Here you are. I did it. I brought you back to life, just like I promised. But now you're just a puppet, controlled by my magic. Look at me. Look at my eyes. They're dead, just like yours. I've become a monster, Dolla. I've hurt our daughter so many times. She's covered in scars, both physically and mentally. I've destroyed her. And it's all because of my obsession with bringing you back. Hope you are happy.

When Lunadea arrives in the town her heart sinks as she realizes the gravity of the situation. She knows she has to do something to help, but she is not sure what she can do against such overwhelming odds.

Lunadea - Ethan, what are you doing? Why are you just standing here? We don't have time for this. Look around you. People are in trouble and we need to do something about it. Please, talk to me. What happened to you?

Ethan's eyes were fixed on the figure of his deceased father, still standing on the battlefield as if he had never died. The shock and pain of seeing him again was too much for Ethan to bear, and tears began to well up in his eyes.

Ethan - That's my dead dad over there.

Lunadea's eyes widened in shock.

Lunadea - What? The guy we fought at the castle? Nevermind that now, please. We need you if we have any chance of winning this fight. Please, stop him. I'll go fight the other one that's destroying everything. Can I count on you?

Ethan took a deep breath and nodded. He couldn't let his pain and grief consume him. There were lives at stake, and he had to do everything in his power to protect them. He wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up, ready to face the enemy once more.

Ethan - Yes, you can count on me. Let's do this.

Lunadea left Ethan's side and headed towards the ice queen, Dolla. As she approached, she saw that everything behind Dolla was on fire, but the area around her was shrouded in a cold aura. Each time Dolla struck the ground with her sword, a pillar of ice shot up like a needle.Lunadea studied Dolla's eyes and saw that they held the same emptiness as Ethan's father's had.

Lunadea - By the look in your eyes, I can tell that you're also an ex-dead person, just like Ethan's father.

Dolla - ... D-D-D-D

Lunadea - You can talk?

Dolla let out a stuttered response

Dolla - De-De-Dead...

Lunadea's heart ached for the woman in front of her. She could see that her empty eyes transformed in pain and confusion eyes. But Lunadea couldn't let that distract her from the task at hand. She had to stop Dolla and the other enemies from causing any more destruction. She tightened her grip on her sword and prepared to engage in battle.

Dolla was a master swordsman, and she was pushing Lunadea to her limits. The only thing keeping Lunadea alive was her movement; her elegant, but at the same time balanced and agile movement, allowed her to avoid being hit by Dolla's sword and ice needles.

The battle between the two women was majestic to behold in the night. Lunadea's sword of fire cut through Dolla's ice needles, and her palm of fire stopped some of Dolla's ice attacks, making the battlefield glow in the night. It was a sight to behold, and both women were giving it their all.But despite Lunadea's best efforts, Dolla's superior skill and strength were starting to wear her down. Lunadea was panting and sweating, her movements becoming less precise and more frenzied. She knew she couldn't keep this up for much longer.

Lunadea - I can't believe she's this strong. I never stood a chance here. What do I do?

But just as Lunadea was starting to lose hope, a voice called out from the distance.

Sammy - EREADUS!!

Sammy and Dorian were coming to help. At the sight of Dorian, Lunadea's face relaxed slightly.

Sammy - This time, I'll get you, you old fool!

Dorian jumped to Lunadea's aid, panting slightly.

Dorian - It feels like I'm always catching up with people. Are you ok?

Lunadea nodded

Lunadea - Watch out, guys. She's very strong.

Sammy - Of course she is. She used to be one of the strongest Shadomins, rank 1. That's the ice queen Dolla, Ereadus's wife.

Everyone was shocked by this revelation, but the most shocked was Mangetsu. You could see the pain on her face as she started to tear up.

Mangetsu looked at Dolla with a pained expression.

Mangetsu - That's the girl I always see with a bright smile on her face. But now she's not smiling anymore. What happened?

Sammy -That's your mother, Mangetsu. Your father used your DNA to summon her here.

Mangetsu's eyes widened in shock.

Mangetsu - That's my mom? I have a mom?

Sammy - See what you've done to your own daughter, you monster?

Ereadus - You made a big mistake bringing her here, Sammy. Dolla, take the girl and bring her to me.

Sammy - Not anymore... I promised her...

Sammy looked at Mangetsu's face, her confusion and pain as she tore up, and he knew he couldn't allow that to happen. He disappeared and reappeared in front of Ereadus.

Sammy - You will not touch her anymore.

Ereadus - Dolla!

Dolla immediately surrounded him with a barrier of ice needles, protecting him from harm. Sammy tried to break through the barrier, but he was unable to.

Suddenly, Dolla grabbed Sammy and threw him away with great force. Just before the impact, Sammy disappeared and reappeared beside Lunadea and Dorian..

Sammy - We need to do something about the village and the undead around here. Dorian and I are the best to fight her. We're the fastest, and we can keep away from her attacks. Lunadea, do you think you could help the guard fight everything else?

Lunadea hesitated.

Lunadea - Are you guys sure?

Sammy - We have no other choice. Hey, you!

He looked at Analissa.

Sammy - I protected your jar. Make sure to keep your promise and keep the girl safe.

Analissa - I never break a promise.

Lunadea took a deep breath.

Lunadea - Ready?

Both guys - Yes!

Dorian and Sammy answered in unison. The three of them prepared to face the enemy, determined to protect the village and its people at all costs.

Torihiki: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now