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Dorian and Lunadea traveled for a week, spending each night sparring and training together to improve their skills. Since it was unsafe to travel at night, they took advantage of the time to hone their abilities.

Lunadea - Dorian, I've been wondering , were you born with any magical powers?

In this world, magic is a rare and highly sought-after ability. It can only be possessed by those who are born with it, and it cannot be learnt or trained. The more magical abilities a person has, the more powerful and special they are considered to be. Some people are born with just one type of magic, while others may possess multiple abilities. Unfortunately, those who are not born with magic are often looked down upon and considered ordinary.

Dorian - Why do you ask? Are you worried that we won't be able to succeed?

Lunadea - Well, you told me that we should enter the tournament and that's why we've been sparring every night. But even though I think you move really well, I don't think we have the power to compete with the other entrants.

The Shadomin Tournament is a prestigious event held every 10 years, where teams of 5 compete against each other to earn the title of the king's personal guard, known as the Shadomin. It is a grueling competition that tests the skill and magic of the participants, the last team to survive the tournament wins, and all 5 members become tier 3 Shadomins.

Dorian - I know, Luna. The tournament is in three months and we need to get stronger if we want to have a chance at winning, on top of that we need to survive alone. As for your question, yes, I do have a magical ability. It's not as flashy as your fire power, but it is unique.

Lunadea - Well? What is it? Why didn't you use it until now?

Dorian - I can stop time for a short period, just as long as a clap. When I do it, my eyes turn wierd and yellow. I can do it up to three times, but if I use it more than that, I get strange blind spots in my vision and my head hurts for the rest of the day. It's hard to describe, but it's like weird geometric flashing designs that are painful to look at.

Lunadea - Wow, that's amazing! Well, not the side effects part, but now I understand why that old man told the villagers that you could take them all down. With your speed and that magic, they wouldn't even have time to react!

Dorian - Thanks, Luna. I think you're really strong too, and that fire sword you do is super cool.

Lunadea - We need to gather more wood or the campfire is going to go out.

Dorian - This isn't even a real camp. We have two leaf beds and a fire. Haha.

Lunadea - There should be a town around here somewhere. My mom told me to run here if something happened to our camp.

Dorian - We'll find it. I'm sure of it.

Lunadea - At least the sky is always beautiful.

Dorian - I don't know...the sky scares me.

Lunadea - What? How?

Dorian - There's just something about it. It's such a mystery.

Lunadea - That's it! That's the name of the town: Mysteria!

They both start laughing as they walk through the woods collecting sticks for the campfire.

Lunadea - Hey, Dorian. If we fight in the tournament, I might have a chance to achieve my dream. But your grandma mentioned something about your own dream. Can you tell me what it is?

If you become a Shadomin and advance to the first tier, you'll be able to compete in a 1v1 tournament that is held every 50 years. The winner of this tournament gets the chance to challenge the current king for his spot as ruler.

Dorian - My mom and dad were Shadomins of the second tier. When I was young, they left to protect the king and never returned. I never understood why they left me for the king, and so I want to ask him directly. Winning the tournament will help me do that.

Lunadea - Dorian...

Suddenly, in the silence of the night, they hear a loud scream.

Dorian - Did you hear that?

Lunadea - Let's check it out, but be careful.

Upon hearing the scream, Dorian and Lunadea rush to investigate. When they arrive at the source of the noise, they find a trembling girl. She had a slender and petite figure. Her silver hair was styled sleek and straight, long and falling past her waist. Her blue eyes stood out against her pale complexion, large and expressive. Her face was characterised by delicate features, and a small nose, giving her a youthful and fresh faced appearance.

She was surrounded by undead skeletons. Without hesitation, Lundea wields her sword, dispatching a group of the skeletons, while Dorian swiftly moves in and out of the fight, destroying the skeletons behind the girl. Together, they work to protect the girl and defeat the undead attackers.

Lunadea - Are you ok?

Girl - Ehm... Who are you guys?

??? - Mangetsu!

Out of the darkness, a man appears, dressed in luxurious clothing adorned with many rings. He is an older man, with graying hair, tall and imposing in stature.

Ereadus - Sorry if my daughter troubled you. My name is Lord Ereadus, Lord of the castle in Mysteria.

Mangetsu - I'm sorry...

Lunadea - It's no problem...

Lunadea responded, but she had a feeling that something was off about this situation.

Dorian - We're a bit lost, Lord Ereadus. Could you tell us how to get to Mysteria?

Ereadus - It's to the north of here, about 20 minutes' walk.

Dorian - Thank you.

Ereadus - Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way. Mangetsu, come along.

Lunadea - Wait a minute! Why was your daughter screaming and why are you guys out here at night?

Ereadus - Night? It's morning, girl. We were out for a morning walk and were attacked by those undead. Thank you for your help, but don't be so impertinent with me. Lower your voice when speaking to a lord. Or is it that in the Dämoneneko culture, there are no lords?

Lunadea was dressed in one of my mom's outfits, with a cloak on her head. My grandma gave it to her so she wouldn't be recognised.

Lunadea - Hey, are you okay? She asked the white haired girl.

The girl smiled, but she was smiling like she was at a loss, like she was a little bit sad.

Lunadea thought to herself, how can anyone be, so sad when they smile. The lord and her daughter left, and so did Dorian and Lunadea.

Lunadea - Dorian, don't you think it was suspicious that the lord and his daughter were out here in the middle of the night, surrounded by undead skeletons?

Dorian - I'm not.

Lunadea - What? Dorian, you seem distracted.

Dorian - Oh, sorry, I was trying to figure out what their story is, but I have no idea.

Lunadea - So why did you let them go?

Dorian - We can't risk getting into a fight with someone as powerful as that lord. Did you see the weapons he had on him? A golden sword, blood-stained nails, and an air of complete calm despite your flaming sword and my quick disposal of the skeletons. He should at least have been on his guard around us, what if we were bandits? That guy is definitely a skilled fighter and probably a magic user too, given how he didn't flinch at your flames.

Lunadea - But what about that girl...

Dorian - He said he's the lord of the castle in Mysteria. Let's find out more about them first before jumping to any conclusions.

Lunadea - Ok...

As they approached the town of Mysteria, Dorian and Lunadea were immediately struck by the vibrant energy of the place. The streets were bustling with people of all shapes and sizes, from merchants hawking their wares to harlots beckoning passersbys from the shadows. The air was thick with the smell of spices and sweat, and the sound of laughter and shouting filled the air. Everywhere they looked, there were armed thugs trying to intimidate or seduce anyone who caught their eye. Dorian and Lunadea had never seen anything like it before, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as they navigated through the crowded streets. As they entered the bustling tavern, they were immediately struck by the lively atmosphere. People were still drinking and singing along with the bard, and it seemed as they did it all night. Dorian and Lunadea made their way to the tavern keeper, who was busy serving drinks to a group of rowdy patrons.

Dorian - Excuse me. We're looking for a place to rest for the night. Do you have any rooms available?

The Tavern keeper looked up from his work and nodded.

TK - Aye, we've got a few rooms left. They ain't much, but they'll do the trick. How many nights will you be staying?

Dorian - Just a few nights. Let's say 3.

TK - Do you need two rooms? Or...?

Directing his gaze to Lunadea

Dorian - One will be fine, thank you.

TK - Hah! Alright then. Here is the key to room number 2. That will be 1 silver.

Dorian - Thank you.

As Dorian made his way up the stairs, he couldn't help but notice a strange girl sitting in the corner of the tavern. She was dressed in a way that seemed meant to conceal her identity, just like Lunadea did. However, there was a jar of sand sitting next to her that truly caught Dorian's attention. What could she be hiding, and why was she carrying around a jar of sand?

The tavern door was thrown open with force, and a man's voice echoed through the room

Man - The undead are attacking the village! Everyone, run!

Torihiki: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now