MBN - Chapter 4

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Things that we think that may be a burden to us,
Things that we think that may be a hell to us,
Things that we think doesn't meant to exist for us,

It doesn't mean we have to neglected them,
We have to cherish them even if it means to hurt,
Because to hurt is to LOVE.

I stared at the boy playing catch with Asuka. Since both of them were now in the same age , they play a lot because they aren't many kids here around the guild.

I smiled as I saw both of them playing. But in the same time , Sadness filled within my heart. I was still in thought of the pinky who is actually like Natsu asked me to go to the Love Festival.

If you wanna ask about the Love Festival , I didn't even went there. Eventhough Happy pleaded me to go there, I just can't keep the fact that maybe the one who asked me wasn't Natsu.

Maybe it was just , a mere illusion of Natsu. But how come he saved me? His masculine voice , his happy go lucky on me , his strong ability , his........strength on protecting me and our guild. I missed all of it.

A sigh slowly came out of my lips. I continue to stared at both of them. 'They really can make a good couple' I thought with a hint of jealousy. Then, I just realized what I just think. I shook my head to clear up my thoughts only to be met by the long , ivory haired woman.

"My my , Lucy. You've been sighing all day long eversince you came here. What's wrong ? Is it about Natsu?" Mirajane winked at me when she said the last question.

I blushed and immediately turned, not facing her. "I just..... Don't feel the same without the BIG Natsu." I said while frowning. I saw Levy that was sitting beside me all this time looked at me with worried.

"Lu-chan.... I know it's hard because he's your very bestbuddy. You should be grateful that the witch didn't do anything dangerous towards Natsu.. Besides , we're in the middle of searching the witch." Levy patted my shoulder before taking a glass of juice and drank it.

I sighed again before nodding while looking at Natsu again.

'When will this end?'


It's been a long time since I had cleaned up all the dusty things in my apartment. Now, I have time so maybe I should start getting the cleaning done.

Natsu was still outside playing with Happy. They were talking by the side of the river where I usually talked with both of them.

I grabbed a cloth and started wiping the dust on the table and forward on arranging my books on the brown shelf beside my desk. Not long after that , Natsu came in alone and told that Happy went out with Carla to a mission with Wendy.

I nodded before continuing on arranging the books. Then, I heard a wheeping sound. I turned back and saw Natsu was sweeping the floor with a broom. He glanced at me and flashed a smile which I returned it back with a tint of blush.

I can't help the fact that I'm really madly in love with Natsu. The more closer I get to him , the more the bigger my love for him. And now a love for a kid. That's ridiculous.

We helped each other cleaning all the parts in the apartment , including the bathroom and the small kitchen. We talked , we laughed and we played when we were busy cleaning. It's fun. Eventhough he was a kid now , I can't help the fact that he is still the funny man.

After cleaning my apartment , Natsu went for a shower first and I went to the kitchen to make dinner for us. I smiled at what we had did today. It reminded me of when me and Natsu usually play like a children with Happy. I missed those moments. Now, I had a new moment with the small Natsu.

I giggled again when I remember the time when Natsu sang and dance in a weird way when we wiped the dust on the cabinets. It was just so funny until I fell on the floor. The cute thing is when Natsu pouted at me. It was so cute I just want to bite him.

"Maybe having him small isn't really a bad thing....."

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