MBN - Chapter 9

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Hello , Guys. The Shade has come back from hell. -___-

Actually I was very happy when I saw your comments like 'KYAA PLEASE UPDATE' and I was like 'KYAA I'LL UPDATE IT'!!!!!

I am still in the middle of the exam and luckily I can sneak up and open my Wattpad! Yay!

I hope you love this chapter!


The Heaven spoke,
If you had a chance , take it.
If you had your love , conquer it.
If you had your memories, cherish it.

The Hell spoke,
If you had your chance , throw it.
If you had your love , forget it.
If you had your memories , let it be.

Those are the words that echoed through Natsu's mind. He doesn't know it's meaning or purpose. He was even confused by all the spokings of the hell and heaven.

He was in a dark place. He was trapped in there for so long. He waited for the time he finally get out of the dark place. There was a moment when , he suddenly felt his heart was stabbed.

It was a picture of Lucy crying infront of him , kneeling. He doesn't know what happened but all he knows that his body leaves her alone instead of comforting her.

He sees all the things. From when Lucy starts to frown and sigh all the time to the time when he leaves Lucy in her apartment.

He was trapped , within his own body. There is another soul who controlled him. There is another soul who made Lucy cried.

He knows who it is . He can't blame it.

It was him when he was a kid. His eyes widen when he saw the reflection on the mirror. He doesn't like it. He wants to be free. Knowing that his heart aches everytime the day falls.


The voice , it belongs to the one Natsu holds dear and special to him. The one he thought was one of the important person in his life. His feelings for her are different. He doesn't know it , but he wanted to be by her side.

Protecting her , comforting her and even saving her.

It was Lucy Heartfilia. The one who lights his heart. The one who believes in him. The one who trusted him the most.

During the time when they were fighting the witch , he wanted to save Lucy and asked her to come with him on the Love Festival. But the witch prevented him from going out and casted him a spell.

A spell that will wiped his memories into a dust.

A spell that changes his body.

A spell which he will forget the special ones , his friends and family.

A spell which kills him.

A spell that bring death to him.

He crouched in the middle of the black room. Waiting , and waiting for his time to end...


Natsu's POV

I woked up from my crazy and weird dream. I was dreaming of seeing a bigger me crouching and sulking in a dark room.

I shook my head and realized that it's still raining. I watched as the rain continue it's falling and pouring down the ground. I fumbled for my muffler and put it closer until it covers half of my face.

Suddenly , I heard a loud thump and sounds of clashing. It was clearly near my place. I back down a bit and waited until the sound gone.

It was really cold so I tried to lit up nu fire but it doesn't work. It's so cold out here. I wished I have the hot chocolate Mira-san always gave me. I missed it. I missed food.

Then , the sound has finally gone. I went out to checked myself. Curiousity just came and bite me.

I travelled through the forest to search for the source of the sound. I came incontact with a large , dead beast right infront of me.

My eyes widen. It's Krajule! It has purplelish scales with black fur on te back and it was more as a lizard than a beast. It has pointy large dark fingers with white stripes . The rumoured beast was killed !? By whom?

I saw a trail of blood coming from the dead Krajule. It leads to a large bush behind a broken-half tree. With the curiousity feeling still biting , oww. I followed the trail of blood. Once again my eyes widen in shocked.





I immediately ran at her. Her body was covered in blood. Her chest was lifting up and down rapidly.

Her eyes fluttered open and when she saw me infront of her , she smiled. A true smile. She immediately hugged me tight. A hug that I never resist to push away.

"I missed you , idiot. Thank godness you're alright. I'm sorry , Natsu..... I'm so sorry." Tears began swelling out of my eyes as both of us began crying.

"I'm sorry , Lucy. I'm sooo sorry for leaving you. I'm so sorry for making you.....like this."



"I love you , Natsu"

Dup Dap Dup Dap
Dup Dap Dup Dap
Dup Dap Dup Dap

I just don't know why. But my hearts feels warm and butterflies began tickling my stomach.

I was so happy to heard that three words. From Lucy's lips , it's really nice to hear. I love it.

"Love you too , Lucy-san"


From the dark room , he sees everything and hear every words that came out from both of them. He remember what Lucy just said a few seconds ago.

"I love you , Natsu"

A smiled curved at his own lips. That sentence was also the one who made him have butterflies in stomach. It definitely warms himself.

"I love you too , Luce"

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