bravertz - how to keep quiet

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After 90 minutes plus a couple minutes of extra time, the game was finally over. Wiping his sweaty forehead with his jersey, Kai Havertz fistbumped a few Dutch players that the German team had just defeated. Some of them had a somber look on their faces but the brunette was honestly too tired to try cheer them up. After he was done waving to the fans and saying goodbye to most of the other team, he stuck to his own, following them down to the cabin. Just before reaching it, Reus jogged up from behind him and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Congrats, Kai. You played really well today! Certainly would've been a way more precarious game if it wasn't for your two goals." he complimented and Kai blushed lightly, waving him off.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, Jamal's and Leroy's goals would've done the job aswell–"

"Oh, c'mon, Havy! Don't be humble like always and celebrate for once!" a silvery voice laughed behind him, making Kai stop dead in his tracks and his heartbeat quicken simultaneously.

Not even a second later, an arm was thrown over his shoulder and a warm body bumped against his own. Nervously gulping down the lump in his throat, the brunette glanced aside to see Julian Brandt giving him the most dazzling smile he can offer. They became very good friends ever since Kai started playing for Leverkusen and the more they got to know each other, the more the striker realised he'd long grown feelings for the blonde. Jule, as he likes to call him, was like the sun to Kai. The way he smiles, laughs or his charisma others always emit such warmth, the brunette constantly feels like being surrounded by a warming circle of fire.

But Julian would never burn him. Kai made sure to never get that close to the ring of flames, scared of risking their friendship over some stupid crush that should've been long gone but just didn't go away. He didn't even manage to get over the blonde that time he had a girlfriend for almost three years. But Kai did notice that change in their relationship ever since Julian had been single again. Sometimes, on very rare occasions only he'd throw some flirty comments his way with Kai never knowing how to react to besides blushing and avoiding his gaze, not sure if the blonde had already figured out why he acted the way he did or not.

"Yeah, maybe I should." the brunette chuckled, scratching his neck.

Julian rolled his eyes and all Marco did was laugh at them.

"Jule's right, we're gonna party tonight and if you're not screaming the loudest, we're making Bambi beat you in FIFA over and over until you never wanna play again." Marco teased, snaking his arm aroung Kai's other shoulder.

"Oh god, please don't do this to me." the youngest deadpanned and Reus snickered.

Suddenly, Julian's arm moved and snaked around his waist. Kai's breath immediately hitched and he faintly registered the blonde's body inching closer before Julian's hot voice reverberated in his ears.

"If you need help with that, y'know who to call, Havy." he whispered against the sensitive shell of his ear, his lips softly grazing over it.

The fingers on his waist swiftly slipped under his jersey and dug into his skin gently, drawing little circles before playing with the waistband of his shorts. Kai completely stopped breathing and his eyes widened as the other managed for his heartbeat to skyrocket within mere seconds. What's even worse, was the fact that Julian showed no intentions of backing away, just staying there with his pillowy lips touching his reddened ear. Kai's cheeks flushed red and he cursed his body for reacting almost instantly.

Meanwhile, Marco cocked an eyebrow since he couldn't hear what Julian said to Kai.

"What're you two whispering about?" he asked amused, now noticing the brunette's red cheeks aswell.

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