bravertz - julian doesn't know privacy

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~inspired by that pic ^

Kai just wanted to change in peace after training but his boyfriend wasn't having it, aka. Julian doesn't know privacy. Plus, the rest of the national football team apparently doesn't seem to care either.

Kai sat on the bench and watched the guys run around on the pitch, tongue playing with the cap of his water bottle. They were at the DFB training camp in Qatar at the moment, almost done with the training session for the day. A couple of players were currently finishing their last exercise which was a ten minute four against four game and his boyfriend Julian was one of them. Following him with his eyes, Kai watched him score and give his fellow teammates Ilkay, Jonas and Leroy a fistbump before walking off the pitch.

The blonde ran a hand through his sweaty hair and pushed it back which made Kai's heart flutter. Although they'd been together for almost three years now, those little things still made his pulse pick up. But even so, Julian knew how to make him nervous even after all this time and he especially likes to demonstrate it infront of everyone. Sweat was dripping down his forehead along his temple and Kai had to quickly avert his eyes after they landed on his parted, wet lips, inappropriate thoughts popping into his brain. Whilst fiddling with his fingers, the brunette noticed them come to a halt infront of the bench, grabbing their waterbottles.

Kai dared to glance at Julian, immediately realising it was a big mistake as his gaze fixed on the blonde's adams apple, watching it bob up and down as he gulped the water down. But when he finally got himself to look away, it was already too late. Julian had a big grin on his face and he chucked his bottle back into its holder, trapping Kai in his seat by resting his arms onto the armrests. The brunette's eyes widenend immediately, a small blush creeping to his cheeks.

"What are you blushing for? Didn't you just try to undress me with your eyes?"

Next to them, Leroy couldn't help but snort and Kai didn't hesitate to hit Julian's shoulder.

"No, I didn't! Stop saying bullshit like that, Jule." the brunette uttered, trying to push the other away, but to no avail.

"C'mon, Havy, we both know I didn't lie." the blonde grinned, grabbing the other's arms and pinning them to his sides.

Behind them, Ilkay, Leroy and Jonas slanted themselves knowing looks, already being used to Julian teasing the shit out of Kai. Karim, Niclas and Jamal who were scattered across the bench, grinned lightly and Kai's face burned upon seeing the team's reaction.

"Jule, please. Not now, everyone's watching." he whined, head hanging low in embarrassment.

"When did that ever bother us?" the blonde teased and before Kai could protest, a pair of lips already latched onto his neck.

He gasped in surprise, instantly trying to slide down in his seat but Julian didn't allow it, placing his hand inbetween his boyfriends's thighs until his forearm was pressed against Kai's crotch, effectively pinning his back against the seat while sucking on the other's soft skin. The brunette gasped, embarrassment flooding his system but at the same time he was extremely weak against Julian's dominance, rendering him silent. A tremble shook his body and his eyes squeezed shut, a rush of arousal travelling down his spine. Suddenly, a thigh went inbetween his own, pushing against his crotch with a little more pressure which caused him to jump slightly in his seat. The blonde chuckled internally at Kai's reaction, switching to trailing gentle bites across his neck. A low whimper tumbled from his mouth and the striker immediately flushed bright red, finally mustering up the strength to push his boyfriend away.

"I hate you." Kai mumbled, the tips of his ears glowing.

"I love you, too." Julian grinned, gently brushing his thumb over the juncture of the brunette's neck.

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