bravertz - kiss practice

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The last sunbeams were faintly lighting up the room when Kai burst through the door of the dormroom, not even bothering to take off his shoes and flopping down on his bed. His roommate, Julian, sat at his desk over his macbook, trying to finish an essay that was due in about three days as the sound of the door slamming shut made him flinch. Rolling his eyes, he pulled his headphones down and turned around in his swivel chair, wanting to know why the other needed to make such a dramatic entrance.

Upon looking at him though, Julian noticed that Kai seemed a little more distressed than usual, his breathing faster and his leg jerking. Glancing at his watch, the older wondered where his roommate could've been that left him in that state but since all their lectures had finished three hours ago, he figured it'd be better if he asked Kai directly. Placing his headphones on his desk and closing his macbook shut, Julian rolled over to the brunette, flicking the back of his head with his finger.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't have to scare me like that."

"Ah, sorry. Wasn't my intention, I swear." Kai apologised immediately, finally sitting up.

Now that Julian had a chance to inspect the younger's face, it got even weirder. Kai's cheeks were flushed and his ears glowed in the same color. The brunette gulped and nervously scratched his neck, adjusting his glasses.

"Did you run up all five staircases to our room or why do look like that?" the blonde questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"U-uh.. I– No..." Kai stammered, the blush on his cheeks darkening.

"Okay? Then why are you blushing like crazy, Havy?" Julian pressed, a smirk forming on his lips as there was nothing he loved more than teasing his roommate.

Taking a deep breath, Kai locked eyes with the older, eyes sparkling.

"You know Sophia Weber, the girl I had a crush on for months now, right? She just asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner with her this weekend!"

The smirk on Julian's face was gone within a heartbeat.

"Really?" he asked, his voice void of any emotion.

"For real!! After I went to grab that coffee at the shop across campus, I bumped into her and–"

The brunette's excited voice slowly faded into the background as Julian processed what his roommate just told him. Kai had a date. A date with the popular girl he'd always been too shy to talk to, the girl he always gushed over to Julian at night, the girl he couldn't take his eyes off once she walked by. A lump formed in his throat and the blonde gulped, knowing exactly why Kai's news made him feel like a complete mess. Ever since the first time Julian saw the brunette, he developed feelings for him like he'd never had for anyone else. In the blonde's eyes, Kai was the most beautiful human being he'd ever met with his brown locks, vibrant green eyes and thin, rosy lips.

The brunette's character was what made Julian hopelessly fall for him to the point of no return, though. Kai was kind of a nerd, the big round glasses on his nose accentuating the cliché even more. The brunette was a quiet, reserved boy as he moved into the blonde's dorm room, a little shy to talk to him or ask him if any questions but with time, he opened up and the two became best friends. Julian loved to tease Kai because of the way he'd always blush when he made a joke about his obsessions with Marvel, Star Wars or soccer. The brunette would make sure to hit his arm afterwards.

After a few weeks of him moving in, Julian began to seriously question his sexuality, knowing that wanting to cuddle, hug and be near Kai all the time wasn't normal. So after a couple more weeks, the blonde finally had to admit he was gay and head over heels for his roommate. Although he knew Kai wouldn't be disgusted by the fact of him being gay, Julian kept his sexuality a secret, fearing that once the other knew, he'd accidentally do or say something stupid that would have an impact on their friendship.

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