reus x hummels - wembley 01.06.24

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He was still in the middle of a post-match interview. Questions were asked, he answered. Chuckled a bit, praised his teammates, reflected on their play. The usual. Yet his body moved on autopilot, his eyes glued to the one person who deserved this win more than anyone.

Mats watched Marco sporting reddened, glossed over eyes as he walked across the pitch, applauding and thanking the fans for their support whilst occasionally being hugged or hugging someone else. The longer he stared at the blonde, the more Mats wanted to do everything he could to get them to play the finale a second time. Of course, Toni deserved it aswell, but there was a significant difference between winning the Champions League a sixth time and a first time.

Once the interview was over, Mats joined the others and eventually walked back to the kabine, holding Marco's hand as often as he could. It was trembling. As soon as doors closed, Mats pressed a long, loving kiss to his partner's forehead, smiling weakly as Marco's teary eyes met his. But even then, Marco continued to comfort others instead of focusing on his own emotions. Holding a crying Marcel and listening to him saying sorry over and over, the blonde proceeded to say it wasn't his fault. Others received a little pat on the back or a ruffle to the hair, some a brief hug. After that, Marco showered and changed in silence but a short glance told Mats he was holding those tears back with sheer will.

As soon as they were finished, Mats called them a taxi and informed Edin on their way out. His heart broke as tears ran down Marco's cheeks the moment the car door fell shut and he immediately sat next to him, pulling him close and breathing soft kisses against his temple as the blonde cried silently. The walk back to their hotel room was covered in silence aswell, Marco holding Mats' hand tightly, not caring if anyone saw. Once the door clicked shut behind them, Mats took their stuff and placed it on a table nearby while the blonde fell into bed. It didn't take more than five seconds before his entire body began to twitch and gut-wrenching sobs filled the room.

Mats quickly got into bed with him and pulled Marco close, gently rocking them back and forth until the blonde was merely sniffling in his arms.

"Baby..." Mats sighed empathetically, detaching himself so he could gently run his thumbs over Marco's tear-stained cheeks.

"I knew it would hurt if we lost, but this much? It's just unfair..." Marco mumbled weakly and Mats' heart gave a painful squeeze.

"I know... But everyone gave it their all and that's the most important thing, isn't it? Even if it sometimes isn't enough, we still gave our best and put up a pretty good fight, right?"

"How is it that you always know what to say? You always know how to make me feel less sad." Marco mumbled and Mats chuckled.

"All those years at Dortmund certainly gave me time to practice. Plus, you're easy to read." the brunette smiled, coaxing the other into imitating him aswell as silence entered the room.

"I'm easy to read, huh?" Marco asked after a few minutes of quietness, his voice a lot steadier now.


"Alright, then what do I want right now?" Marco grinned, quickly rubbing away the tears.

"I have an idea." Mats whispered in a sultry voice, slowly starting to kiss down Marco's body as his right hand found his way into the blonde's boxers and closed around his cock.

"Hold on–" Marco interrupted the brunette as both his shorts and boxers came off and Mats' lips wrapped around his tip.

"You hate blowjobs more than anything, I don't want you to do this just because I feel frustrated." the blonde said softly, gently stroking the other's cheek.

"Just because I'm not overly fond of it doesn't mean I hate it. Besides, I get to taste you and that's enough for me."

Before Marco could respond, Mats was already lowering his head, feeding more and more of the blonde's cock between his lips. Marco gasped instantly, eyes sliding shut as he welcomed the feeling, his head falling back against the pillows. Mats started slow, taking in as much as he could before going back up and toying with the slit. Marco exhaled shakily and his hand found Mats' locks, sliding his fingers into them as his hips began to follow the brunette's movements.

"Hold still, baby." Mats grinned, pinning his hips to the mattress before taking him entirely until the other's tip hit the back of his throat.

"Fuck–" Marco moaned, thighs trembling in the brunette's hold.

His moans continued filling out the room as Mats increased the tempo, occasionally hollowing his cheeks which had the blonde arching his back. Eventually, the movement of his hips became too much for Mats to hold and he loosened up, allowing Marco to meet the bobbing of his head. It was merely a matter of minutes until the blonde was reduced to a whining, shaky mess. Mats knew that Marco always came embarrassingly fast when receiving a blow job, but then again, he knew exactly where to tease.

With his thumb pressing against his perineum and his tongue teasing the frenulum, Mats watched Marco go taut, gasping his name as his release spurted all over the brunette's face. The blonde exhaled shakily, taking a moment to bask in the afterglow as a hand lazily continued to jerk him off. It was only until he heard rustling that he looked back at Mats, shocked to see him have collected all the cum from his face and use it as lube to finger himself open.

"Fuck, Mats. Have I ever told you you're the sexiest thing I've ever seen?" he groaned, his cock twitching in Mat's hand.

"Occasionally." Mats grinned, eyebrows furrowing with a whimper as his fingers brushed over his prostate.

"C'mere." Marco breathed as he sat up, pulling Mats into his lap before releasing both his hands from their duty.

Mats lowered himself until Marco's dick was rubbing over his hole whilst their lips met in the middle, exchanging sweet kisses as the blonde grabbed his cock and aligned it with his partner's hole. Both moaned into the kiss when Mats sunk down, panting slightly against each other's lips once the blonde had bottomed out. The next minutes were spent with gentle rocking back and forth, sensual kisses and soft touches until Marco turned them over so Mats was on his back beneath him, speeding up the pace a little until they came together, holding one another tightly. Once he came back to his senses, Marco pulled out and snuggled up to Mats.

"Thanks a lot, Mats."

"For you, my love, anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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