haaland x bellingham - blowjob in my car

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Wanting nothing more than to just go home in peace, Erling is stuck with a drunk midfielder who's suddenly more than eager to suck him off.

"Goodness, you're heavy." Erling groaned, tightening his grip around the waist pressed against his own.

"Ma muscles got bigger lately, y'know~"

"That... wasn't what I was referring to." the blonde trailed, fishing for his car key in his pocket.

Jude giggled at his comment, leaning even more of his weight against the norwegian and brush his hand over his chest. Erling sighed, having to put in more effort in stabilizing the other. After BVB won the Klassiker against Bayern and therefore winning the Meisterschaft, they had to properly celebrate it, of course. Marco went out of his way to rent a club for one evening and as soon as they all arrived, they started partying and drinking like there was no tomorrow. Erling, who wasn't that fond of alcohol – especially because of his diet – stuck to drinking the, as Marco called it, 'obligatory champagne' and one glass of wine. After that, he just danced and laughed with the others, talking about how great the season was.

As the clock hit 2am, Erling decided he'd partied enough and just as he finished saying goodbye to everyone, Marco held him back, pushing a horribly drunk Jude into his arms with the request of driving him to his apartment. The blonde agreed with a sigh and for the last ten minutes they'd been walking to the norwegian's car since the hammered Brit couldn't walk a straight line anymore. On top of that, the younger was overly touchy to the point where Erling didn't care anymore where the other's hand was wandering over his build. Much to his relief, they'd finally reached his car.

"Why didn't ya carry me?" Jude slurred, slinging his arms around the taller male's neck.

Erling rolled his eyes and unlocked his car, opening the door to the passenger seat. Gently freeing himself from the brunette's hold, the blonde maneuvered him into the seat and buckled him up before closing the door. Getting into the driver seat, Erling pushed some loose strands behind his ear and started the car. Whilst pulling out of the parking lot, he noticed Jude's eyes on him.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked, focused on the empty road.

"You're handsome." came after a few seconds.

"Ah, be careful, Jude. Drunk thoughts are sober truths. Don't say things you might regret later." Erling warned, propping his arm on the armrest.

"But it's true, you're so fucking hot, mate." Jude went on and the norwegian slightly shifted in his seat, not knowing how to react to that statement.

"The things I'd do to you. God, if I told you you'd never want to speak to me again." the brunette mumbled and the norwegian froze as he heard every word despite Jude speaking so quiet.

A lump formed in his throat and Erling felt the hand on his steering wheel starting to sweat as the tension thickened. He had to admit, he found himself thinking about Jude quite often recently, thinking about how it'd feel to kiss him, hold him close, feel him. But the blonde kept those thoughts secret, since he didn't know how the other was feeling about all this. However, now, everything came crashing down on him again and Erling felt his body get hotter, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Jude was still staring at him, noticing the shift in the other's attitude despite being under the affect of alcohol. Somehow, his thoughts were clear and he was as focused as if he was just about to shoot a penalty, if not more. Biting his lip, he let his gaze wander over the norwegian's muscular build, suddenly feeling arousal starting to kick in. Letting out a labored breath, Jude shifted closer to Erling and leaned his forearms on the armrest. Noticing this immediately, the blonde pulled his own arm away and tried to focus all his attention on the street but that didn't last long.

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