schlotteyemi - karim also doesn't know privacy

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The continuation, this time on the team bus, featuring Nico and Karim and once again, a very accepting national team.

Nico had been nervous ever since they walked out of the kabine, Karim's words echoing through his head like a mantra as he was pinned to the cold shower wall earlier, their naked bodies pressed together tightly.

'Then show me what that mouth can do.'

A shudder raked his body and he let out a shaky breath at the constantly repeating thoughts in his mind, stowing all his stuff inside the bus. The grins and awaiting stares from the others didn't really help to calm him down, his hands beginning to sweat profusely as he came closer to the door, squeezing himself inside after Kevin. All the staff and the driver were already seated and ready to leave, but some of the players in the back were arguing about where they wanted to sit. Nervously tapping his foot against the floor, Nico hoped they'd hurry up already so he could sit down, throw on some headphones and successfully ignore the others that had been whispering 'blowjob, blowjob!' into his ear at every chance they got.

Being so absorbed in his thoughts, the defender didn't notice Kevin take a step back. The impact didn't hurt but was still big enough to get him to stumble back a few steps. A gasp came out of his mouth and he tried to grab onto the seats for balance but was too slow. Luckily, before he could fall down, his back came in contact with a chest and hands instinctively held onto his hips. Goosebumps erupted all over his skin as a warm breath collided with his neck and a familiar scent reached his nose.

"You okay?" Karim asked, thumbs gently running over his iliac crest.

"Y-yeah, of course." he quickly responded and gulped down the lump in his throat, body growing hot at the fact that the other wasn't showing any signs from pulling back.

"God, can't they just hurry up? I want my reward..." he sighed, pressing his lips to the blonde's exposed neck.

Nico stiffened completely, cheeks turning more red than ever. His eyes widened when he suddenly felt Karim's boner press against his ass, a wave of arousal slowly setting his body on fire. Letting his head hang low in shame, the blonde fiddled with his thumbs, not knowing how to respond. The other couldn't help but grin and started trailing slow, open-mouthed kisses over Nico's flushed nape before gently nibbling the skin which earned him a gasp. Whilst carefully mapping out the flustered other's neck, Karim let his fingers dip beneath the defender's waistband. Moving his thumbs in small circles, he felt Nico shudder against him.

"Why are we still arguing about this? We agreed on letting Karim have it like five minutes ago, right?" Marc reminded the team which instantly became silent.

"Oh, yeah. You're right." Joshua grinned and as if on cue, they all stepped aside and someone behind them started pushing Karim and Nico towards the back.

"Wait, what's going on?" Nico croaked, not liking where this was going but he didn't receive an answer.

Within seconds, they were pulled apart and Karim pushed into the middle seat of the last row which coincidentally didn't have another seat infront of it and Nico was nudged forwards, finding himself standing inbetween the brunette's legs. He blushed lightly, quickly looking away but that didn't stop Karim from softly stroking his thighs up and down, his brown, warm orbs watching his every move. Immediately, his heartbeat picked up and he gulped, not noticing the others were huddling together around them, so the people from the front were unable to see them.

"We're ready, you can drive!" Thomas informed the staff who had a quizzical look on their faces about what they were doing but didn't ask any further questions.

Nico, having finally noticed the commotion surrounding them, gulped, nervously looking around as he didn't know what was going on. That was until Leroy approached him from behind and patted his shoulders, slowly pressing him down to the floor and the defender didn't understand until he realised his face was at the same level as Karim's crotch. Blushing profusely, the blonde was quick to shake his head, trying to get up and run but to no avail.

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