Helping eachother 2

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I was helping my boyfriend by video chatting with him through chemotherapy. Using Facebook message error and it was a good time except he was receiving crap chemo. It's very easy to help one another out just by even being on video chat with someone that needs you the most. I find that it's very important that I also was helping him yesterday with his dreams and nightmares and said that I was gonna help him through whatever was stressing him out particularly his chemo.
We ended up planning some things like Podcast and stuff which was pretty fun. Creepy pass I asked him if he liked creepy pasta as in the horror genre. And I found out that he did and I'll explain certain things to him when I research them to him. Like siren had for example another interesting little kid bits about Urban myths as well as creepy pasta is very interesting I will mention about Trevor Henderson who's one of my heroes the only other favorite guy that I have in the whole universe other than my boyfriend. Trevor Henderson was a horror artist who created siren had supposedly created but really sirene had was created by People with P TSD who had to deal with their problems by being creative which is a good thing. Though it turned out to be real one year when I was going to go for an outing 1 time that's something that was very interesting.
As I said I was we were looking on ways to get a Podcast and I knew which one I was gonna use the app that was anchored FM and I was going to go and set it up for him. I am miss siren had his Mr.samhain.  As in the peg and name for Halloween which is very interesting to say that I actually turned it around last night when I Kind of a little angry at his ex trying to ruin stuff but then again everyone's ex trying to ruin stuff.
Enough about her anyway I found that I was going to be well-cared-for because I cared for him very much today and I always will care very much about him I'll try to help him with his nightmares and stuff and I'll see what I can do as far as Wednesday is concerned I'm getting a new job on Wednesday the 2nd job actually. Which is kind of interesting on the last . But it's Patriot hes d*** chemo week.
Why did they have to do a second job for me which I don't mind right smacked up in the middle of the week when I'm usually talking to my boyfriend anyway I'm gonna have to tell him trigger warning tired stuff like that when I get home from the actual job because it's gonna Tucker me out.
I found out through him that doctors liked to demean people which I find is not very surprising as doctors are very annoying and very arrogant sons of b******. Or daughter of b******. I don't like to say that about doctors but they do tend to rub me the wrong way and they rub him the wrong way because they label him himself I just don't like them because they're racist.
I am very sorry that he had to go through the chemo but at least we went through it together instead of just him alone. And I'll find a way to talk to him on Wednesday when I'm at my job unfortunately I had to be in the middle of the week. Something that kind of annoyed me in the 1st place.
What I would give for him to be better so he can be at least half here in life. Not that hes already happy with me but I'm in life in general.
But I find that we found a ninch there was the actual creepy pasta Podcast idea which was pretty good and I found it was called Halloween 365.
It's very interesting What ideas come up when you're stressed to the Max. It's very interesting to see what the brain comes up with. That's very interesting indeed. If I didn't have P TSD or the g****** past that I had I probably would've been psychologist. But instead I'm gonna be in airport security which is fine with me.
The airport security Talking about it's because I don't want anyone else to suffer the way I had to suffer as a baby or kid or anyone else for that matter have to suffer like those 3000 people. Minus the 19A holds who cause troubles.
What was even strange as I got I'm interested in the idea of snapping and catching idiots like pokemon as well at airports which is kind of interesting for me to do. I did not do that on purpose.  It just happened that way.
What is the reason why I do that is because well it's important to do something in life that is important for you not just fun but important I would be a tattoo artist or a psychologist but instead I decided to be airport security cause that's more important in my heart than anything else other than my boyfriend.
When I talk about this this is a duty for me because I don't want to have any other baby suffer the way I had a suffer as a kid nor do I want to 3000 other more people to go out the window over someone's idea of religion. Which is kind of annoying when it should be all peaceful and stuff.
I just despise these wanks who think that Violence would solve everything in the world and killing innocent people on airplanes would be innocent enough for them to go to heaven but really who's gonna go to heaven is it gonna be them or the people they killed I'm betting on the pupils if they kill that they will be going to heaven and the people who killed them that idiots who hijack airplanes in the South they will go to he'll.
Religion is just a Is common sense thing Where you end up talking about peace you end up being peaceful in the 1st place you're going to end up acting like an animal.

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