shopping trip

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Just before we left the bank I took out 500 galleons. And Papa took out about 800 galleons. After we left the bank I pulled Papa around the alley asking all sorts of questions. All of which were answered robotically. Once at flourish and blots I dragged him in and set us on a course to go deep into the stacks.

After we were no way of being accidentally overheard. I cast the strongest privacy ward I could. "Papa if you don't want me as your cub anymore it's okay. I understand I'm not normal. I get it if you don't want a freaky burden like me hanging about." My voice broke even with my back turned to him I knew he'd heard it. I knew he could smell my tears. Just like I knew he was distancing himself from me. 'he doesn't want me no more.'

Papa spun me around gently lifting my chin up as he crouched down to my height. "You are my little cub always and forever. You are not a freak. You are not a burden. You are a little weird. But that's okay. Normal is boring. I'm not going to leave you. I was more worried you would leave me my little cub." He told me wiping my tears away with his sleeve. "I see now that was silly of me. Just like your my cub I'm your Papa. Let's find some books yeah?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. Not asking but telling him to carry me.

He coed at me. We looked all through the stacks finding several books of interest. I was a little obsessed with runes and charms. Papa never set me down but he got books on herbology and a book on how to make different salves. Once we paid they neatly went into my bag. Then Papa carried me to get ice cream. Asking for the biggest ice cream then asking me what flavors. I chose strawberry, and raspberry. After ice cream we went to many more shops. Including a thrift shop where I found the trunk mad eye had been kept in during my fourth year. I bought it at a steal for 30 galleons.

After an hour up in Diagon Ally we headed back to Nocturne Ally. I watched as Papa's glamour fell. "Papa where'd the extra face go?" He turned to look at me sharply.

"Extra face? What extra face?" He questioned startled. 'okay I couldn't resist I won't be able to mess with him like this often.' I thought to myself.

"When we went up to the bright road. It was like there was another face over yours sorta like a see though mask. It was kinda weird. Now we are on the messy road it's gone." I explained cocking my head to the side as I looked at him. I had already been aware that I could see through glamours. His eyes went wide.

"You are very special cub. We can discuss this back home more okay?" He asked as he looked around for eavesdroppers. I nodded my understanding.

We then went to a book store down here that had lots of dark books. I bought introductory books on all of the ones that really caught my interest. After that we went to a wand shop Papa insisted I have an untraceable wand even getting me a holster. Then we went to Borgans I bought the cabinet and Papa got something in a paper bag.

After that we went to some specialty shops buying seeds, cuttings, ribbons, parchment, herbs, spices, potions ingredients, and a cupboard that would provide fruit and vegetable snacks till late spring. I highly encouraged Papa to add one that could provide breakfast and dinner meals through that time. Which he did relent to due in part to my puppy eyes.

By the time we got clothes shopping Papa had switched arms a lot. As soon as the lady had both our measurements we both grabbed a big catalog. We went absolutely nuts with it. Picking out all the stuff we liked from fabrics to styles once we had marked our order sheets with what we wanted. I took them up and pressed my ring on her book so she could be paid from my vault. I had ordered some girly stuff and boy stuff for me. And a bunch more for papa's pack that he had yet to introduce me to.

I spotted the tell tale blonde heads enter the counter area and quickly bolted behind Papa hearing Snape's voice. "Lucius I'm telling you the Potter boy is in bad shape don't believe Dumbledore." Watching him I saw how Snape's face had a glamour on to how had I missed it first go I had no idea. Snape was actually very handsome. Their conversation cut short as Papa stood scooping me up.

"I'm sleepy Papa." I said yawning it wasn't but a stretch of the truth. I was infact tired but I could stay awake if I pushed. He rubbed my back gently.

"One more stop little cub. I think you'll like this one a lot though." Papa made to leave but Snape and Lucius stopped him.

"Fenrir!? What are you doing here? How have you been?" They spoke in concert. Causing me to bury my face into Papa.

He sighed at them clearly also wanting to leave. "Shopping, and I've been great lately. This is Vel and he's sleepy must get going now." He said curtly.

For the next two minutes they seemed to be trying anything for him to stay. Getting irritated myself. I looked up at him and wined. "Papa please can we go home now! You said one more then home the last four shops. My feet hurt and I actually want a nap. Please Papa please." Fenrir smoothed my hair gently before for sending a glare at the two men behind me.

Papa quickly took us to the aperition point and threw on his glamour before taking us to Hogsmead. Going straight to honey dukes. He bought a little bit of everything except acid pops. Those he told them he'd sue if they wound up in our purchases.

By the time we got home I was barely conscious. After shrugging off my bag I handed it to Papa. Asking to sleep on his bed Papa agreed to let me instantly. So I put my head back on his shoulder and drifted off.

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