age 10

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Several years later the cave had turned into more of a fortress built inside of the mountain. I had gained the land extending out another 45miles adding to the previous six I had. The pack was doing quite well and there were several other packs that stayed in other areas during the summer months. Mostly for trade. I had after Snape had fixed my eyes quickly gotten a handle on carving runes. And had carved more spaces but there was one space I had found in the mountain that I had made off limits to everyone even papa. I had found my ancestor's crystal cave. That's right I found Merlin's crystal cave. I had infact finished learning from Griplock but still kept in touch often. I could probably get my masters in defence, transfigurations, charms, herbology, warding, magical theory, and runes. Could probably have aced my newts in arithmacy, history, ancient study's, astronomy, care, goulogy, mind arts, combat, wandless, mediation, and broomology.

I would only be able to reach decent scores at barely owl level for potions, music, art, language, rhetoric, combat strategy, wandlore, alchemy, and metallurgy. I had yet learn much on politics, ritual magic, dark arts, law, spell weaving, or medical. And had little interest or little availability to learn divination, muggle studies, and necromancy. Though I had completed my A's. Much to the amusement of Narcissa. Although Lucius, and Snape had been besides themselves. Papa had been excessively proud about that. They had all figured out who I had been by the time I was eight. Though papa had figured it out during our first winter.

And yes we would have been stuck in the cave if not for fixing the vanishing cabinets. And even then I had shown him the chest and he had been rather pleased. I had given one end to be kept in Ragnarok's office while the other stayed in the unnatural hot spring me and Griplock had made. Though I had mainly left the creation of the restroom to Papa and Griplock.

I had made plenty of rooms. Such as the training room, armory, private bed chambers for me and Papa (have yet to see much use), library, study, offices, laundry room, cold pantry, grand hall, war room, numerous quarters and community bath's, infirmary, potions lab, and potions storeroom.

And I was still planning on more like a conference hall, game room, nursery, wine cellar, and smoke room. I was secretly already working on the smoke room. It was going to be Papa's yule present. Snape had taught me potions every summer. And as much alchemy as he could at my poor understanding of the subject.

I only aloud myself to sleep for 4 hours a day. From 4am to 6am I would read books quietly. 6-7am I spent with Papa eating and talking. 7-9am I would train sometimes with Papa sometimes alone. 9am-12pm I would spend carving on the cave. I would eat lunch with Papa while going over any accumulated paperwork we had. Generally taking about an hour. 1-4pm I would do magic practicing. 4-7 i would spend doing homework (cleaning, cooking, laundry.), 7-8pm I would write out what I had learned so far that day, and any criticism I had for either myself or the way something is done. 8-9pm was generally spent with the pack eating dinner or just goofing off. From 10-12am I would read and take note on subjects from the books.

On the rare occasion when I would stay up even later papa would get angry with me and ban me from books for a whole week. It was October yet again and Papa was being dodgy. More so as the month dragged on. I knew that there wasn't really any interest in me going to Hogwarts especially since I had started to plan on taking my owls next year and newts the year after. Though I had also begun to seriously consider helping Tom come back.

After several long chats with death he had agreed to help me make a ritual to put most of his soul back together. And give him a rather nice body. Ie the Tom body not the icky Voldemort body. Apparently Voldemort had been in constant pain last time resulting in his extreme short temper. But the distinct lack of most of his soul had cause a huge level of insanity. This exacerbated his short temper further. All in all I was definitely considering it lady life had told me if me and death did this then I would have to remain his horcrux. But also stipulated that he would become mine as well in equal measure.

Lady magic was getting impatient with me for not having studied any ritual or dark magic yet. But I was pretty quick to point out that it would be kind of hard to do without proper books and teachers. And even harder with how careful Papa was about watching what I learned. She had informed me that by yule when I was eleven I was to start sleeping in my own room. That way my late night studying could cover such things at least in theory.

Currently I am on the floor near the stove in the main room really it's the first room I had carved then Papa helped expand but honestly we were here the most often. I was using the stove to study or had been. I was currently lost in contemplation about what Papa has been up to. 'Can't be the friend thing again can it? I already became pen pals with Draco, and Theodore Nott.'

Papa, Snape, and the elder Malfoy's had tried hard to make me social with human wizard's but had to admit defeat when I aperated very close to a bear cave. All because they tried to make me go and be social with people my physical age. The pack children were fine. Though it was difficult to operate at their level.

"Vel you've been on that page for a bit. Either you don't understand it or your mind is elsewhere." Papa said softly calling me over to where he was scraping at some ruff leather had had gotten from another pack through trade. I closed the book I was making absolutely no progress in. Taking it to the desk papa had finished and given me when I turn seven according to my paperwork.

Once I was standing next to Papa I huffed still very much a big child when it came to being held. I loved being held. And when we spent time together Papa had taken to not holding me as of late. I hated it he used to let me just snuggle into him but lately he seemed like being near me was more then he cared for. "If you want to talk about what's on your mind sit down Vel." He told me idly. Continuing with whatever he was doing to the leather.

I could feel myself getting temperamental so I shook my head saying. "Goodnight." As sarcastically as I could before stomping off and slamming the door to my private bedroom. I shoved as much magic as I could into forcing the door to stay closed. 'why doesn't he want to be near me anymore? Why won't he hug me like he used to? Is he tired of taking care of me? To hell with it I never asked him to stay. I never asked him to take care of me. Sure I wanted it but I never asked. If he wants to leave or make it so he can then so be it.'

Vel Marous EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now