Chapter 3

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A look of concern filled Pat's face as he stared at his father's sudden appearance of sorrow.

"What is it Pa?"

Pat took a seat next to his Pa.He had never seen him like this before unless he was joking around, but this was no joke a genuine look of sadness and guilt clouded his father's face and it scared him a little.

"Son I'm...I'm taking ADAM."

Silence filled the air as if the world had stilled, not even the vents made a noise as they pumped fresh air into Arcadia gardens. Pat mad a move to stand, but his Pa pulled him down onto the bench.

"How long?"

"A day or two now just helps me with my back. I lifted some pipes that was too much for me, done my back in.I was in a lot of pain Bill was gonna put me out of work until one of my pals sold me some Adam for real cheap he said it would heal me up, hell! I haven't felt this good in years.I'm so sorry lad I had to take the stuff it was that or run out of cash and starve."

Pat was furious, why would he do that? How could his Pa do that to him? He hated splicers just as much as he does.

"You can't just take one dose Pa you'll want more of that shit and start to get all mean like. You shouldn't have done it for Christ sake Pa you idiot you've already killed yourself."

"Pat please listen to me I..."

His pa's eyes started to glisten as tears threaten to fall.His grip on Pat's wrist tighten begging him to stay.Pat shook of his Pa's hand off his arm and stormed to the metro station.His heart felt like it was going to explode, betrayal stung him.He felt raw on the inside, think happy thoughts just don't look at him your nearly at the Metro station then you can get some booze and get some shut eye. He ignored his Pa's pleas of coming back, he kept on walking without turning back.

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