Chapter 7

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January 17th, 1958


The heat was unbearable for everyone making them nasty and snap at each other over the littlest thing and the rapid attacks coming from the rebels weren't helping things at all, it was making everyone suspect their friends of trying to kill them, it was one big circle of madness!

"Don't you fucking lie, I know you took it!"

"I s-swear I d-didn't Johnny I promise."

"Now your gonna get it!"

His hand burst into flames scorching his skin. With a sickening laugh, he released the flames onto the poor wretch causing blood-curdling screams to fill the humid. Pat spun around and faced the crazed maniac, what he discovered made his face drain of all colour at the loss of humanity he witnessed. Blood- curdling cries filled the room causing a seed of sickness to corrupt Pat's stomach and being. His skin effortlessly melted as if it was made of wax. Smoke clouded the room in a swirling mass of blindness and obscurity, blinding those in the room with nothing but their senses to relay on.

"What's going on, I can't see! Where the bloody hell is Johnny too?"

That voice made Pat instantly tense up, as a cold sweat broke across his beaten body. It had to be... him of course, it had to be! Bill McDonagh his boss of all the fuck ups he had to show up on this one! This was going to be a barrel of fun. 

The smoke cleared the room leaving a putrid smell behind that borrowed itself in Pat's memory. It was worse than the slums a mixture of burnt hair and overcooked lingered in the salient air. Bill's strong cockney accent penetrated Pat's thoughts of bitterness and distaste of the man.

"Well lad, What do you have to say?"

His question was pointed towards Pat as if it was his fault. It wasn't like he let the crazed junkies work. God! This man pissed him off immensely acting he was superior to those of us below in the slums of Rapture just cuz' he's old Ryan's best chum, he thinks he's right and we're wrong. Just like what Dr Lamb said these blokes would do. Bill's impenetrable gaze was still looked tight on him, one wrong answer could have him fired. 

"How the hell am I meant to know?"

Wrong fucking answer.

"You're encharged of this sector, of course, you should bloody know what's going on!"

"I ain't the one who hired the fucking idiots!"

Bill's gaze intensified as he looked at Pat with hatred and disgust. His fists balled themselves into tight fists debating if he should hit him or not for his bad attitude. Bring it on old man! I ain't afraid of an old geezer. 

"Right, Pat I think you should go home and cool down."

"Cool down. Fucking cool down! it ain't my fault, you're the one getting all pissed off like."

The rage he felt was going to come out, there was no stopping the anger it had been built up since his Pa's confession it felt like an explosion that brought release but at the same time his demise by judging the look on Bill's face he had better clear his locker out.

Great, now I'm fired.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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