Chapter 6

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Pat awoke from his fond memories and was forced back into the harsh reality that offered nothing, but death and sorrow for this poor soul. As he stretched his tired, aching bones he realised something that he hasn't really put a lot of thought in before; he was alone. He no longer had his Pa because he had resorted to takin' a drug that eats at your mind, he no longer had his Ma who smelt of lavender because she had died from the very thing his father was possibly turning into, a splicer. He had no friends because he didn't want to trust people who in the end will eventually let him down like how Dom did, he had let him down, greatly.

 1st of January 1950

Apollo Square

A young lad around the age of 17 was found running around the streets,this young, innocent boy was called Pat who was very well known for his vibrant red hair and golden eyes that were very rare to have, he had light traces of freckles that sprinkled along his nose adding to his childlike innocence. His frame was lean and strong from all the working he had done with his Pa and he was quite popular among the ladies for all of his looks and he had a dream at that age he wanted to be something he didn't want to just die and be forgotten like so many others no he wanted to be great like Mr Ryan... Yeah just like Mr Ryan because he's great everybody loves him, the creator of utopia, the one that bows to no god. The people's hero, but Pat didn't share his views alone he had a friend who always watched his back in a fight and made the best damn jokes there are and this friend was call Dom. He was the opposite of Pat, he had golden hair that fitted well with his crystal blue eyes and tanned complexion and theses two young boys were infamous for all the trouble they would cause and giving pat's mother heart attacks from it, but these boys didn't care because they had each other to look after one another and this made them invincible or so they thought.

"Come on Pat, what are you doing?... come on!"

He had let Dom race ahead he was too tired to be running around this late at night and a yawn escaped him.

"You cant be tired already? We've barely been out."

He rolled his eyes at his best friend, why was he so energetic at night, but lazy in the morning it made no sense to him at all. Dom raced towards Fontaine's Home for the Poor. We didn't know we wanted to go there it was kind of deserted lately so we thought it was a cool place to explore, but Pat knew this was going to end up with the constables marching him home towards his parents flat and telling them that he was a, "trouble maker." and then his Pa will clip him behind the ear and give him a telling off he cold just see it now. Dom had already made his way inside and was causing a hell of a ruckus in there.

"Dom, are you stupid? We're gonna' get in trouble stop making a load of noise."  

But the noise still continued and a large bang was heard. This had caused Pat to sprint into the building just in time for Dom to jump out and scream in his panicked face.

"Boo! scared you lame ass, ha!"   

Dom had broken down into a hysterical laughter that boomed all around the abandoned building.

"Dom! prick."

"Ha! Nice insult... not"

His face had now turned bright red and tears ran down his face. Why couldn't he shut up? its not even funny, he scared the shit out of him he had to admit, but he was still pissed at him. Dom had finally quietened down and was trying to contain the escaping giggles, poorly he might add as well. They made they're way up the rickety stairs and found a room that housed plenty of empty beds for them to sit down on. The room smelt musty and the walls were covered in stains with an old beat up floorboards that were cracked in various places. Dom's bright golden hair was the only bright colour in the room making him stick out.

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