Chapter 4

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AN/Hey guys I hope you're enjoying the story so far and just to let you know this part has some unpleasantness so if you don't like that type of stuff don't read on even though this story is about Bioshock so there's no surprise really.


January 15th 1958

Pauper's Drop

Pat made his way off the crammed train and headed to his apartment at the Sinclair Deluxe. It was better than the streets, that was god damn sure. All kinds of repulsive smells reached his nose as he walked along the littered full streets. Men and women scattered the streets like rats in sewers, makeshift homes stood on their last bolts. People huddled around fire pits cramped together to get warm, tired fingers reached towards the flickering flame that would soon die out, they were worn out from a exhausting day's work probably scrubbing the floors for rich folk or fixing up Rapture herself, half of these people don't even have jobs. Pat wished he could go to the limbo room where he could have a few drinks and listen to the sweet voice of Grace Holloway, but that place has been closed down since New year's Eve attack. That happened a week and a half ago, no forgetting that day. Folks just won't go there anymore, money problems. Nobody got any cash now. It's gonna be another shit year in Rapture. It's  been more than a week since he spoke to his Pa, he was still pissed off at him for what he done. He didn't understand what that shit will do to him it'll screw with his brain make him all mean, hell! it'll be half a month if he keeps taking that shit before he'll deform. He'll grow extra pieces of skin, hair will fall out like nobody's business then he'll be a bloody freak like the rest of the splicers , killing folk to pay for their next fix ,might even join Atlas or Ryan's armies of splicers wouldn't surprise him, they go to whoever's givin' Adam no loyalty a pup got more loyalty in one paw that them shit heads have combined. Makes me sick, and my pa might just become one. If God had any mercy he'll won't make me see him like that.

Pat arrived at the Sinclair Deluxe. Women stood  around the ground floor entrance. Great! now there's whores in Rapture so much for a utopia, probably one of Daniel Wales girls he's runnin' the pink pearl now isn't that amazing more screw ups in Rapture that's all we need. The girl couldn't be more than sixteen she strolled to him wearing a short, ripped skirt with a revealing top that had smudges of some sort that he didn't want to think about, she was even wearing way too much make-up she looked like a clown it was a attempt of trying to hide that she liked to splice up a bit too much. I tried to walk past her, but she gripped my arm and tried to rub her body against his it only repulsed him to the core. What was this girl doin'?

"Hey baby looking for a good time? Twenty Rapture dollars for an hour"

 Pat stared at the young girl debating how to tell her to go away

" thanks love maybe another time."

"Your loss honey"

She swayed her hips as walked away as if that would change his mind. Pat breathed out a sign of relief, thank god that's over. He made his way to his apartment avoiding any more attention from the...lovely...umm...ladies downstairs. He lived on the first floor, the wallpaper was peeling off there was a musty scent coming from them. The floorboards creaked as he moved to his door, he bumped into a drunk along the way.

"Hey watch out asshole, I'll kill you."

His words were slurred and clumsy. His right side of his face was bleeding pretty badly. Bloody drunks were now common in this place, nobody can deal with reality on their own it seems. The drunk looked oddly familiar... oh! what a surprise? it was Tom, drunk as usual, he carried along his merry way gripping the banister for support then he tripped when he reached the top of the stairs. Pat sighed and went to check on his lovely neighbour he couldn't blame the guy though his wife left him and took every single dollar he had never knew what happened to her probably dead she liked to splice up with the crowd. Pat neared Tom's still body and heard loud snores escape his gaping mouth. Pat dragged his body to his apartment door he couldn't leave him alone...again, not after when he found him down Fort frolic shouting at a slot machine for calling him, "ugly." He had to drag him back to his apartment without trying not to laugh at the nonsense he was shouting at random people, and then explaining to a constable why he had took his hat and started to puke into it, that had cost him a pretty penny.

Pat entered his small apartment nothing fancy like Olympus Heights. He really hated all the rich folk who lived up there looking down on the rest of us, hell if it weren't for folk like me there wouldn't even be a Rapture, and what treatment do the builders get? chucked into some gutter like a broken toy that belonged to a spoilt child on a rampage. I work my ass off fixing pipes making sure they're the right temperature so they don't explode you don't get a lot of money as a engineer I must have a hundred rapture dollars to my name. Pat plonked Tom against a wall leaving him drooling and went to fetch a glass of water for him as well as bandages for his face. Pat walked towards his kitchen when he got a sensation that something didn't seem right, it was  felling that something was out of place. He looked around his dull cream coloured room, nothing was out of place he glanced at his soil brown carpet there was some rubble pieces and blood on the floor he started to look up dreading about what he was about to see.   

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