Chapter 8

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Back on the dark, cloudy, and gloomy Isle, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben, and Y/N walk around the dirty streets of the Island, being careful not get spot by anyone around the place, especially by their parents. One mistake, and anything can go wrong as well as anything can happen to the soon-to-be King and Queen of Auradon. Passing a few alleys, stands, unbalanced buildings, etc., they finally arrive at the Core 4 hideout. Throwing a rock at a signs that says 'Flying Rocks' the gates to the hideout open and they carefully walk up a set of stairs.

Once they are inside, they find Mal sitting alone, defacing a wall with sad graffiti. The three Vks tell Ben to wait until their cue, also meaning that the H/C haired princess is going to join them as well.

When they get closer to the purple haired Vk, they all say in unison, "Mal!/ There you are!/ etc."

Suprised that her friends are standing right in front of her, on the isle, made her stand up and ask, ". . . What are you guys doing here?"

"We missed you! Is that a thing?" Jay answers, making Y/N giggle to herself in which it didn't go unnoticed by a certain duo-colored haired Vk.

Rolling her eyes at Jay, Mal places the spray paint can on the floor near her, and with some sass in her voice she tells the tall boy, "Not here it isn't. And I don't miss you! I'm back home, in peace."

"You don't look at peace." Carlos comments, slightly hiding behind the princess as soon as he sees that Mal's eyes turned lime green in annoyance.

Calming down and grabbing the spray paint can back in her clutch, and turning around slightly, she answers with, ". . . I'm settling in."

"Does your mom know you're back?" Jay ask making Mal's body tense at the question and stop spray painting. Off of Mal's silence and the fact that she stop spray painting the wall in front of her, he continues with, "And about the waa–"

"Sssshhh–" Evie shushes Jay, nodding her head in the direction of Y/N and then Ben refering to them.

Quickly taking the hint, he rephrases he sentence with, "–the waaater buffalos? They're endangered." Y/N looks at Jay with a raised eyebrow in confusion. "What? I worry."

"Well maybe you don't need us, –" Carlos starts but he gets cut off by his leader, who took way too long to notice the princess among the three Vks.

"Wait, Y/N, What are you doing here?!" Mal exclaims dropping the can. "If you're here. . . Don't tell me that–"

Taking the chances to cut her off, Carlos immediately says, "In which I was saying, that maybe you don't need us, but perhaps you could use:"

Ben walks out of the shadow, with a small smile and holding a very well known ring in one of his hands, and finishes Carlos' sentece with, ". . . A Pre-King with a post-apology?"

"Ben! You can't be here!" She walks towards them, not caring about the paiting on the wall at the moment. "As a matter of fact, Y/N, you're not suppose to be here as well!"

Ben walks closer to Mal, looking at her with love and determination in his eyes, he says, "I'm not going back without you."

"If my mom finds you, both of you, y'all are not going back at all." Mal informs the Aks, looking at both of them firmly. Her eyes start to glow their infamous lime-green color and quickly fades away indicating that Mal had sense something. Ears picking up on the sounds of footsteps from not far away, she looks at everyone warning them. "Hide."

The other three Vks plus Y/N slightly start to panic, meanwhile the brunette prince says, "Hi! I miss you too-"

Not having enough time reunions, Mal shoves them all behind a set of stolen stuff, art supplies, furniture, etc., that was covered with a charcoal colored tarp. At the same time the purple haired Vk yells, "No hide!!!!"

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